WS dies and never reconnects

It has happened a couple times now that my WS just dies, taking the bot down with it. I have attached a commented log below (the last 15 lines are the critical ones, rest is just for context) During this specific instance the network was having an outage leading to high packet loss and huge latencies (the kinda latencies measured in seconds instead of milliseconds). I suspect that played a major role in this malfunction. This may possibly be related to #Shards are fucked up. Random shards die every now and then and never respawn. node: v18.12.1 djs: v14.7.1 ws: 8.12.0
3 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User17mo ago
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mahakadema17mo ago
this one has decent-ish color to distinguish the comments
mahakadema17mo ago
ok cool cool