Compiling TailwindCSS for Monorepos

I have a monorepo with workspaces - ui and client. I want to create components in ui and use them in client. I am using tailwindcss as my style provider, but am having a very hard time compiling it. I am not going to publish them on NPM, and it just need to work in client which is a nextjs project. Any help is appreciated.
12 Replies
awexis17mo ago
I think you let the web apps compile it them selves you can share tailwind configs with your projects though.
create-t3-turbo/packages/config/tailwind at main · t3-oss/create-t3...
Clean and simple starter repo using the T3 Stack along with Expo React Native - create-t3-turbo/packages/config/tailwind at main · t3-oss/create-t3-turbo
harshcut17mo ago
i want to keep the components and their deps separate from the client repo what is the cli command for tailwind to output compiled css without unused styles?
npx tailwindcss -o build.css --minify
npx tailwindcss -o build.css --minify
currently using this, but it gives complete output with unused styles.
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harshcut17mo ago
for client i have used tailwindcss using the guide. in what way do i setup the ui workspace?
parapheen17mo ago
Check out an example from turborepo github —
turbo/examples/with-tailwind at main · vercel/turbo
Incremental bundler and build system optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust – including Turbopack and Turborepo. - turbo/examples/with-tailwind at main · vercel/turbo
harshcut17mo ago
I got it working by adding this to client/tailwind.config.js
content: [
+ '../ui/src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}',
content: [
+ '../ui/src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}',
I have also added transpilePackages: ['ui'], in next.config.js. is this a correct way to go?
harshcut17mo ago
this is the current dir structure.
parapheen17mo ago
another alternative is to compile your ui lib and then use compiled styles from dist/
harshcut17mo ago
is there any upside to compile when i am not going to publish the package? this way i dont need to include a ./dist/index.css in _app.tsx in client.
parapheen17mo ago
citing the link from the template I send before This example is setup to build packages/ui and output the transpiled source and compiled styles to dist/. This was chosen to make sharing one tailwind.config.js as easy as possible, and to ensure only the CSS that is used by the current application and its dependencies is generated. Another option is to consume packages/ui directly from source without building. If using this option, you will need to update your tailwind.config.js to be aware of your package locations, so it can find all usages of the tailwindcss class names. For example, in tailwind.config.js: content: [ // app content src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}, // include packages if not transpiling "../../packages/*/.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", ],
harshcut17mo ago
consume packages/ui directly from source without building
while doing this i do need to add transpilePackages: ['ui'], to next.config, right? so that next can bundle it?
parapheen17mo ago
As far as I understand, you first compile your lib locally. Then your next app can catch needed components from the bundle by transpiling. And you don’t have to publish your library anywhere. I could be wrong since I’ve struggled the same issue recently trying to share ui between turborepo apps
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