grid span unknown column count
Hi i am not even sure if this is possible. But i was wondering if its possible to use like
grid-column:span 3;
but you dont actually know the column count.
So for example. Let's say i have this html code
And this css code
then the .span-all class will span all 3 columns. But what about if i change the grid-template-columns to grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(min(200px, 100%), 1fr));
then the amount of columns will change based on screen width. So my question is how can i get the .span-all to span all columns when i don't know the column count? Is it even possible?
And yeah, i know a work around for it. I was just wondering if this is possible because i would not need as much code if it is possible ^^3 Replies
that's exactly the use case for the negative line numbers
check your dev tools for a visualisation
Omg o.O Thanks a lot! thats cool 😄