Pages limits

Hi there, I am switching a lot of customers over from vercel to cloudflare pages. I will use the rewrite function of vercel to reroute the traffic to my pages project (and handle it using middleware). I am on the paid plan plan. If I do this for couple of million requests a day (to start). Should I expect any problems? The original of all of those requests will be vercel. Do I need to disable any rate limiting or firewall or whitelist something?
7 Replies
Advany•16mo ago
I saw an old post about cloudflare rate limiting 600 requests per minute per ip...
Walshy•16mo ago
Nope. No rate limit on requests, nothing to do to disable. Feel free to throw 1 million or more a second 🙂 That's Workers and happening from a single client Not applicable to Pages
Advany•16mo ago
Also workers inside pages or? Or only setup as just workers?
Walshy•16mo ago
What do you mean? We have Pages Functions which are Workers bundled with Pages
Advany•16mo ago
Yeah I meant those. Page functions and middleware. Do those have any limits or rate limiting?
Walshy•16mo ago
There's the burst limit that you mentioned previously: Then the general platform limits:
Advany•16mo ago
I get those. But will pages middleware, pages functions or workers start limiting my requests if I do like a millions or more request a day from one ip (using a forward proxy) and I am on a paid plan? Its not clear from the docs. Sorry for asking this. I just want to be sure..m
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