HASH doesn't match?

DNL the 32 bit version of RO 2, hash matched the has file 64 bit the hash is WAY different then the has file???? re-DNL'ed the 64 bit file...same deal 64 bit .xz file hash 8CE7EFE23377B6E48BADAC36BAAD22084FC76D02516DECEA7E1C029D430FFEB1 hash ag file says d9ac702604cfabc36d386f212b29fb9ca436673811b770b8bd99e614621f60bd ??????? which is right??
4 Replies
miklschmidt•16mo ago
The hashfile is right
ptegler•16mo ago
three DNL attempts.... 64bit version is not matching 😦
blacksmithforlife•16mo ago
you are using the right hash file to check, correct?
PS C:\Users\John\Downloads> certUtil -hashfile 2023-03-03-RatOS-v2.0.0-raspberry-rpi64.img.xz SHA256
SHA256 hash of 2023-03-03-RatOS-v2.0.0-raspberry-rpi64.img.xz:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.
PS C:\Users\John\Downloads> cat 2023-03-03-RatOS-v2.0.0-raspberry-rpi64.img.xz.sha256
8ce7efe23377b6e48badac36baad22084fc76d02516decea7e1c029d430ffeb1 2023-03-03-RatOS-v2.0.0-raspberry-rpi64.img.xz
PS C:\Users\John\Downloads> certUtil -hashfile 2023-03-03-RatOS-v2.0.0-raspberry-rpi64.img.xz SHA256
SHA256 hash of 2023-03-03-RatOS-v2.0.0-raspberry-rpi64.img.xz:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.
PS C:\Users\John\Downloads> cat 2023-03-03-RatOS-v2.0.0-raspberry-rpi64.img.xz.sha256
8ce7efe23377b6e48badac36baad22084fc76d02516decea7e1c029d430ffeb1 2023-03-03-RatOS-v2.0.0-raspberry-rpi64.img.xz
ptegler•16mo ago
tnx john...yep...got it straightened out... not sure what was up... wiped all versions from my DNL folder...downloaded all new...all is well