Getting issues with navigation added to next13 layout

So I am getting this error when I try to run my new nextjs 13 app. You'll notice that the nav bar appears to be rendering at the bottom instead of at the top like I would expect. I have layout.tsx and page.tsx, which I assume is acting as my index.tsx for a new next13 app.
5 Replies
MagerX16mo ago
MagerX16mo ago
page.tsx just contains the body of the index page, there doesnt seem to be any interactions that it has specifically related to the layout.tsx file as far as I can tell. Is there a relationship between page.tsx and layout.tsx that I am misunderstanding here? The part that is confusing me the most is that my navigation is appearing at the bottom for some reason even though its clearly supposed to be at the top, and when I built it in just the pages file, it was working perfectly fine. It broke when i switched to layout.tsx
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MagerX16mo ago
Awesome I’ll give it a shot! That worked perfectly! I'm still getting an error that doesn't make sense to me however, curious if this is something worth worrying about
MagerX16mo ago