Timeout when trying to connect

Hello, My raspberry is connected via WiFi to my router (2,4 GHz). For a while it works but then suddenly a connection is not possible any more (timeout). The pi is still listed in the router overview. I am using Ratos 2.0 alpha I am accessing it via the IP
19 Replies
harsh-harlequinβ€’16mo ago
OK, I just checked again and it is not listed any more. I did install sonar yesterday but maybe it does not automatically start
blacksmithforlifeβ€’16mo ago
Don't use 2.0 alpha. The official 2.0 release is available now
miklschmidtβ€’16mo ago
Sonar breaks RatOS That's why i disabled it in 2.0
harsh-harlequinβ€’16mo ago
Oh ok, did not know it was there for previous versions (as I did not need it). I installed it via SSH, so it is best to remove it that way befor upgrading to the official 2.0?
miklschmidtβ€’16mo ago
You need to reflash to update to the 2.0 release anyway, so there's no point in removing it.
harsh-harlequinβ€’16mo ago
Ok, will do so. If sonar is not a viable solution, I have to connect via LAN to fix my problem or do you have any other ideas? @miklschmidt : In what way does Sonar break RatOS? I used it all day yesterday (8h print) and everything worked fine. The only alternative I have, is connecting the Pi to a Linux machine (which is also connected via Wifi) and allow the use of the LAN port (but I don't know if that works).
miklschmidtβ€’16mo ago
It conflicts with the hotspot. I don't remember exactly what the issue was.
harsh-harlequinβ€’16mo ago
Ah ok, so once it is setup it should not be a problem?
miklschmidtβ€’16mo ago
And honestly i have not seen the need for it. I have printers that have run for months without ever dropping wifi. No 3, 4 or zero two have ever dropped a connection on me. It is if it looses wifi connection, then things will just stop working instead of throwing you a hotspot.
harsh-harlequinβ€’16mo ago
Ok thanks πŸ™‚ Unfortunatelly, since I moved it to a further away room I constantly loose the connection So I guess I have no real option
miklschmidtβ€’16mo ago
Yeah that's because of poor connection. Sonar won't fix that.
harsh-harlequinβ€’16mo ago
(there are also numerous neighbouring wifis, which probably cause interference
miklschmidtβ€’16mo ago
All sonar does is ping your gateway regularly Either go ethernet or put up mesh points. Or move the router closer πŸ˜„
harsh-harlequinβ€’16mo ago
Thanks again for your advice πŸ™‚
miklschmidtβ€’16mo ago
Anytime, Hope you find a solution!
harsh-harlequinβ€’16mo ago
connecting the Pi to a linux mint machine which functions as a network bridge should also work, right?
miklschmidtβ€’16mo ago
yep that should do it
harsh-harlequinβ€’16mo ago
So flash tomorrow, don't setup any wifi and hope for the best πŸ˜„
miklschmidtβ€’16mo ago