how can i get mutual guild between user and bot?

my bot is in around 50k server i am creating an dashboard so how can i get mututal server of user with bot
3 Replies
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Unknown User16mo ago
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ShompiFlen16mo ago
using oauth would be your best solution, to see which guilds the user is in and compare that to the guilds your bot is on bots cant access mutual guilds of users, and to do that yourself you would have to try fetching the user from every guild and see if it gives you a member from it
23brewert7mo ago
Endpoint for mutual servers with a user · discord discord-api-docs ...
Now that a bot's servers can be shown in it's profile, would it be possible to have the same sort of thing be available for bots? I'm thinking an endpoint such as /users/0/guilds, or a ...