linear_movement _vibration

Is this built into RO 2.0?? The directory for the output at a min is now different? was /home/pi/klipper_config/linear_vibrations/ but that path is not in R) v2.0 updates? corrections? (am i out in left field?)
33 Replies
blacksmithforlife•16mo ago
yes it is installed by default now, see installed to /home/pi/klipper_linear_movement_analysis
ptegler•16mo ago
i see that dir in winscp.... so no moonraker update section needed? (for lmv) what about printer.cfg configuration for motion ranges etc? specifically the output directory?
ptegler•16mo ago
DOOOHL! ...I see it is indeed already there in moonraker.cfg. nothing in printer.cfg? I don't see a file dir in 'machine' for the output as before
blacksmithforlife•16mo ago
not sure
ptegler•16mo ago
normal parsing... the old printer.cfg stuff for lmv is not throwing an error on restart...hence my start down this Q path. even though the old path does not exist now in RO 2.0 perhaps it all command line arguments only now i'm commenting it out for now...will test latter today tnx
blacksmithforlife•16mo ago looks like it got registered as a plugin? Sorry, this is above my head now
miklschmidt•16mo ago
Yeah you still need to define it in printer.cfg, it doesn't come preconfigured (never got around to it)
ptegler•16mo ago
output_directory: /home/pi/klipper_config/linear_vibrations/ was the old dir.... where is it now? (new path needed)
blacksmithforlife•16mo ago
/home/pi/printer_data/config/linear_vibrations ?
ptegler•16mo ago
no such animal. will manually create and test/see
blacksmithforlife•16mo ago
that was just a guess based off old klipper_config changing with moonraker updates
ptegler•16mo ago
ha! exactly where I started. he he was my WAG as well ok...still didn't error out, but at least it's a writeable path
accel_chip: adxl345
x_min: 10
x_max: 485
y_min: 10
y_max: 485
#output_directory: /home/pi/klipper_config/linear_vibrations/
output_directory: /home/pi/printer_data/config/input_shaper/
accel_chip: adxl345
x_min: 10
x_max: 485
y_min: 10
y_max: 485
#output_directory: /home/pi/klipper_config/linear_vibrations/
output_directory: /home/pi/printer_data/config/input_shaper/
atleast they'll all end up in one directory
wise-white•15mo ago
I created a new folder via WinSCP in the path output_directory: /home/pi/printer_data/config/linear_vibrations/ because I had the same problem. I had the same problem and found no other way to get the whole thing running unless I use the same folder as input_shaper, but then it becomes too confusing for me. I now have the problem that when I execute MEASURE_LINEAR_VIBRATIONS_RANGE it gives me this error, Internal error on command: "MEASURE_LINEAR_VIBRATIONS_RANGE" it writes all but one diagram but the first diagram for the vibration Peak Axis X is not written. Does anyone have any ideas about this? Translated with (free version)
miklschmidt•15mo ago
@MarschallMarc any input here?
statutory-emerald•15mo ago
as long as the user running klipper can write in the parent directory, it will create the directory I wonder, if you fckd the rights by creating stuff via winscp and another user and the other issue, can you show some logs? I got to admit, I didnt follow klipper updates the last couple of weeks, so maybe sth changed? but when it creates everything but one plot, it probably means, that sth is wrong during plotting which plot is missing? who wrote that code fgs, is so unreadable xd so i guess it does not plot the frequency response over velocity? thats weird, if it fails there, it should fail at other places as well read as in: already before creating the plos @miklschmidt I assume you got a current installation of ratos? 😛 can you test if it runs for you?
miklschmidt•15mo ago
I can later, yes
statutory-emerald•15mo ago
i am still on old versions and got no system to debug assembled right now... and next maintenance window is in 2 weeks sorry xD
miklschmidt•15mo ago
You need more printers 😂 no worries though i'll let you know how it goes
statutory-emerald•15mo ago
miklschmidt•15mo ago
@MarschallMarc oh you might want to fix the readme though, new path to config is /home/pi/printer_data/config (moonraker decided to mix things up)
statutory-emerald•15mo ago
I remember that it will happend and then I got sick and forgot about all of that xD will fix the readme on the fly
miklschmidt•15mo ago
We should prolly add default configurations to the printers as well in RatOS So the commands are available out of the box
statutory-emerald•15mo ago
if it works, that would be great 😛 i commited directly on master branch, need to go take a shower now that felt too dirty
miklschmidt•15mo ago
wise-white•15mo ago
After running MEASURE_LINEAR_VIBRATIONS_RANGE it gives an error and does not create the graph (image) , the others are created . I now have 2 x LinearMovementAnalysis in the Update Manager, but one is written incorrectly (LinearMovevementAnalysis). Since I did the update today, both have been updated, so I think it is not bad.
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wise-white•15mo ago
Of course, it could also be that it has something to do with my path change, but I don't think so, it only appears once in the moonraker updates, maybe someone can tell me how to get the second entry out.
statutory-emerald•15mo ago
We just found an issue which is introduced through a now different version of matplotlib. Fix expected soon
ptegler•15mo ago
see.. logs ARE worth while ha ha !
ptegler•15mo ago
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statutory-emerald•15mo ago
Now imagine they would be actually readable XD There is so much stuff that belongs there only in debug mode imho
ptegler•15mo ago
crap..sorry wrong thread...right subject...wrong thread moved back to