Novu•15mo ago

Web Socket service under path?

hey does anyone know if we can self hosted the web socket service under a path? i.e novu.domain.com for the base api and then novu.domain.com/ws for the web socket service? Thanks!
12 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•15mo ago
Hi @dr.really No idea about this. But I see some users have ws running on ws.novu.domain.com. Why you want to run ws on a route instead of domain?
dr.really•15mo ago
I was just curious to be honest. It would be really nice is the ws and api were in the same nestjs project, that way you just have to stand up one service for it which would reduce ECS hosting costs 😂
--•15mo ago
@dr.really there is a possibility of defining a context path for the WebSocket service. But so far is part of the community driven Kubernetes solution. https://github.com/novuhq/novu/blob/f827a89b9a4ee976d9a6008f3c874d50a0527d8a/docker/kubernetes/kustomize/env-dev#L36
novu/env-dev at f827a89b9a4ee976d9a6008f3c874d50a0527d8a · novuhq/n...
The open-source notification infrastructure with fully functional embedded notification center - novu/env-dev at f827a89b9a4ee976d9a6008f3c874d50a0527d8a · novuhq/novu
dr.really•15mo ago
Oh nice, I'll give this a shot when I wake up and report back on how it works out for context, i'm using AWS ECS hosting
--•15mo ago
I am not sure if you will be able to deploy a Kubernetes solution in ECS. You would need to look into EKS, I am afraid, to be able to try this.
dr.really•15mo ago
The environment variables still hold true though yeah? I can just create two target groups and use an ALB to target a different service on ECS, atleast that's what I was thinking lol
--•15mo ago
That context path environment variable is only set for the Kubernets (kustomize) implementation to help people to set up reverse proxies. It is not being processed in the WebSocket docker container. You would need to have to modify many places, but that would make a good PR. 🙂
dr.really•15mo ago
Hey Pablo, I was looking through the ws app and found this in the @novu/shared, from reading it, it seems that the context paths are already in the base? Maybe? 🤔 https://github.com/novuhq/novu/blob/next/libs/shared/src/config/contextPath.ts#L31
novu/contextPath.ts at next · novuhq/novu
The open-source notification infrastructure with fully functional embedded notification center - novu/contextPath.ts at next · novuhq/novu
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--•15mo ago
Unfortunately they are not still in use, as far as I know.