Space appears before a new line only on mobile

Hello, I noticed that text in my embeds have a space before them if they're on a new line and viewed on mobile. On desktop it appears normal, so I'm not sure what's the problem. I thought it might've been because of the different kinds of newlines, but I tested \n \r\n and \r and the result was the same across all of them. Here's the code of the string:
${description ? `**Description:**\n${description}\n` : ""}
${note ? `**Hunter's notes:**\n${note}\n` : ""}
${dreamnail ? `**Dream Nail:**\n${dreamnail}` : ""}
${description ? `**Description:**\n${description}\n` : ""}
${note ? `**Hunter's notes:**\n${note}\n` : ""}
${dreamnail ? `**Dream Nail:**\n${dreamnail}` : ""}
And I've also attached 2 images, one of a screenshot on mobile and another one on desktop.
4 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User15mo ago
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Parogo_7215mo ago
This has nothing to do with discord.js
Araraura15mo ago
javascript or discord api?
Parogo_7215mo ago
That seems a discord api issue or a string formatting issue. None of them discord.js