Two repos one Prisma. Lets Merge.

Good morning guys. I just started merging two repos into a Monorepo and have no idea what im doing :-). Would love some help. I have two repos, FM and LH. FM is t3-app and LH is basically pure ts-node. They share a prisma instance. I just copied the whole LH into FM as a subdirectory. Nothing changed in the FM git status. Should i delete the .git from the LH repo to see updates into the FM repo? And delete the /FM/LH/prisma directory? Since i want /FM/prisma to be canonical?
Also now i have two jest configs, two ts configs, two package.json's, two node_modules and two sets of env...
2 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User16mo ago
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fotoflo16mo ago
hmm i got everything working and then i chagned my prisma schema and my test broke