Get name of other bot's command from ID

Using the guildAuditLogEntryCreate event to detect when someone changes permissions for an application command. If it's a specific command that's edited I would like to get the human-readable command name so I can post an alert. Tried:
guild.commands.commands.fetch().then(console.log) // but only saw my own commands
guild.fetchIntegrations().then(console.log) // but did not see commands
guild.commands.commands.fetch().then(console.log) // but only saw my own commands
guild.fetchIntegrations().then(console.log) // but did not see commands
Is it possible to get the name of a command given the command ID and application ID?
6 Replies
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Unknown User16mo ago
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edocsil16mo ago
sludge16mo ago
I don't think you can get information like that about other applications
edocsil16mo ago
If there's a way to mention the command without needing the command name but readable to moderators that would also be fine, but afaik you have to have the command name for those
sludge16mo ago
like I said, I don't think you're going to be able to get command data about another application from your own application
edocsil16mo ago
Cheers. That's what I thought but was hoping there was something I was missing