How do i go minimalist

so im planning on changing my pfp to something else its way to detailed and i want to change it, i dont want to use some simple website tor anything i want to just change smth, i might remove the background on this one and im not sure what else to do, just scrap the pfp entirily or just dont change it
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10 Replies
SergiuEs15mo ago
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SergiuEs15mo ago
i did some changes as you can see already i might change the background so i dont blend in i might make it black or add fire with water i might remove some detail
Afrodo15mo ago
Now, I'm not an art major, but let me offer what I do know when it comes to art (which is admittedly just talking about book covers) If you want to go more minimalist, the basic idea is to reduce the amount of detail your art while still keeping it strong with striking colors and focus. The best minimalist cover design I have for an example is this one.
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Afrodo15mo ago
Now, the design on this is nice and simple, but all the colors blend well together while also bouncing off. None of them drown the other out. But when you get close, there's really not that much detail in anything put in. All of the colors are kept separate, in their own little areas, If you want to replicate it on yours, I would recommend personally emphasizing the red and blue colors, while reducing the amount of detail in your figure. Have the red and blue distinct from the figure, not blending with each other or the figure in question. You also want the colors as distinct. Instead of a dark grey, make the jack black, make the sword silver, and remove the lines from the face of the character. Now....mind you, again, I'm not an art major and this does depend if you're trying to be actually minimalist or rather just trying to reduce the amount you currently have rather than trying to make changes.
SergiuEs15mo ago
well like i am working on removing the detail do you recoon that would fix it?: do you think theres a chance of recorvering ? please dont make a paragraph tho just a few quick words
Afrodo15mo ago
deletes paragraph. ....Uh, not sure how to reduce it to a few words. My best is: "Reduce the amount of color blending."
SergiuEs15mo ago
yep so should i remove the background too? make it black maybe?
Afrodo15mo ago
I think the background's color scheme is fine personally, but you do what feels right to you
SergiuEs15mo ago
well isnt the background on of the main reason? it makes it blend in should i change it tho? like fire and water change the sides so it wont blend in so it will pop
Afrodo15mo ago
Like I recommended, reducing the blending. Take the red out of the blue, take the blue out of the red and take both out of the dark grey sweater. The reason it fading into each other is the colors are literally blended with each other.