Novu15mo ago

How to use raw html to render it, than creating the tags

Currently we have our own templates which we saved in elastic, instead of doing complete migration from the existing system to novu templates. We need to use some of the novu features like , send email , digest etc. So I have created the simple template like step varible, {{subject}}, {{raw_code}} , While I paste the raw code in step variables , it did not render it. Can you help me on this
5 Replies
Novu_Bot15mo ago
@madhu, you just advanced to level 3!
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain15mo ago
Hi @madhu, if you want to send html content as value of raw_code variable in payload, then use {{{raw_code}}} triple curly braces in place of {{raw_code}} double curly braces Let me know if it does not work
madhu15mo ago
Sure Pawan will check this great @Pawan Jain it worked thanks Do we have documentation about triple curly braces?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain15mo ago
read more about {{{ https://handlebarsjs.com/guide/expressions.html#html-escaping We will add this above usecase info in our docs as well
madhu15mo ago
thanks Pawan