When exporting, allow the option to split meshes by color as well as brush type

and increase the number of polys by brush stroke type
3 Replies
Zandy15mo ago
It is currently not accurately splitting different colors with the same brush type in exported models. Materials will apply to all and cant be separated in post.
Capt Cullen
Capt Cullen15mo ago
a workaround, if it helps: I've had some success separating in post using Blender. Ive been able to separate and edit geometry regardless of the material. I've been using edit mode on a stroke (or series of strokes) and using the 'separate' (default hotkey 'P') key, been able to make post-painting changes to strokes, materials, and even geometry. it's not pretty, but it's possible.
Zandy15mo ago
Thanks so much for the suggestion @captaincullen . Will give it a go