Some vertex colors missing with FBX export

I think I found the solution to this bug. It appears to happen when you change the color after you lay brush strokes. Ex on the owl i did yesterday (daily) the body was one color which I made using a symmetry script. I changed the color for the wings and collar and when it was exported only one color showed. The rest I did not change using recolor in game were separated even when using the same paint type.
34 Replies
andybak15mo ago
OK. I didn't realise (or I forgot...) we were splitting meshes by color! Have you got an example I can see? Even just a screenshot. I'll try it myself when I get a moment.
Zandy15mo ago
Out of OB...wings and base have 2 colors
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Zandy15mo ago
materials wouldnt apply to those bits
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andybak15mo ago
Can you send me the files? It's scene hierarchy in Blender I want to see. I might be misunderstanding you as I'm still thinking about when you last explained this. Is this about which layers appear in Blender for exported Open Brush sketches? i.e. how the strokes are split into different meshes?
Zandy15mo ago
Just sent. Yes look at the color on the base, wings and collar are dark (top photo)
andybak15mo ago
So over here:
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andybak15mo ago
those meshes are split by group then by brush type. Are you saying it used to also split by color?
Zandy15mo ago
Also the eyes. The brush strokes where I used rebrush to color dont appear to show on the model in marmoset Yes but the hull for example of the body is one but it has two different colors on it
andybak15mo ago
Talking just about this panel for a moment (I'm not looking at the mesh itself)
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andybak15mo ago
are you saying that the way the sketch is split up in that hierarchy has changed?
Zandy15mo ago
Im saying that when you recolor hull, it is still grouped as one. When I add a material to that hull, it is laying down one color only, not the two using the recolor tool in the UI But, the ones I did using one color without rebrush are separated.
andybak15mo ago
So You're not talking about any changes to the scene hierarchy?
Zandy15mo ago
andybak15mo ago
ok. i have completely misunderstood then
Zandy15mo ago
mesh only no prob
andybak15mo ago
Can you DM me the tilt file? I presume that still looks correct?
Zandy15mo ago
Yes. Lol Pretty soon you'll have enough for a gallery. lol
andybak15mo ago
I just can't remember how fbx works. I can't get any colors on it I'm more familiar with glb in Blender and I want to compare against how it looks in OB
andybak15mo ago
Here's what I see in Blender:
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andybak15mo ago
@zandyxr what's wrong with that?
Zandy15mo ago
It’s not showing the difference in marmoset. The body is one color. So maybe it’s one of those funky things where things change once it’s in another program. That happens a lot with some 3d models. If you do any work in one program it doesn’t function properly in another. Not sure what’s going on Maybe it’s the fbx? Was that the glb?
andybak15mo ago
Zandy15mo ago
Ok. Good to know. Unfortunately still need fbx for many programs. Wonder if that’s what’s going on.
andybak15mo ago
let me try the fbx
Unfortunately still need fbx for many programs.
If the glb works, why not export that out as fbx for apps that don't support glb?
Zandy15mo ago
Could try but wonder if things will still get lost in the process
andybak15mo ago
Not as much as they are with fbx! Can you make it clear if you report export issues - what format you're using from the outset? And always try glb for comparison.
Zandy15mo ago
Ok will do a quick try today. The mesh is one for the body but is not recognizing the change of colors Will do Thanks for checking on your end
andybak15mo ago
No probs
Zandy15mo ago
ok just checked. Imported the glb to blender and exported as fbx. Marmoset still does not differentiate the vertex colors on the mesh. Maybe its a marmoset thing. Checked the FBX in blender and it confirms the vertex colors are missing on FBX.
andybak15mo ago
The one on the left is the fbx that I exported and reimported:
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andybak15mo ago
The one on the right is the glb. When I reimported the fbx I assigned the same material used on the glb. You can see the vertex colors are there. So it has to be a Blender issue. Or rather an issue with fbx materials. The data is there
Zandy15mo ago
ok good to know. weird how this happens....
AncientWorlds15mo ago
Pretty rusty on marmoset, haven't tried it post XR. What are the messages in the error console? If I remember correctly, you had to take some extra steps to get the materials in, due to the naming conventions. Will have to check my notes and test, probably cant' get to it until Sunday or so, because rendering. If your using custom brushes it's tricky because it just takes the first one, unless the texture names are unique, as I recall. Marmoset does have the ability to take python plugin scripts, iirc, to set all that up automatically. Maybe find some time to play with ChatGPT to do that if I dig back into that area. Would make life a lot easier.
Also seem to remember that there's a couple different fbx formats, and I'm not sure that marmoset uses the same one.
Apologies for being vague, has been months since I've played around with that. Around the time I was trying to get models working for snow x purposes
Zandy15mo ago
I didn't see any errors at all. Hopefully youd have more luck