end stop connector may have been reversed

What symptoms do you have when you may have installed the end stop connectors with the wrong polarity? Does the whole board fail, does it look normal but some functions don't work anymore?
6 Replies
ptegler15mo ago
Do you have little LEDS on the stop board? does it light up when you press the switch with your finger? It depends on the miss-wiring, what it might have messed up. Depending on which wires you hooked up where, a V+ could have been switched directly to the input signal, but the board should have protection for that to limit current. (key word there is 'should' but you never know (nor do I know what board you are using)
molecular-blue15mo ago
Thanks. I'm asking because there are big warning on the build instructions that say if this isn't right it can damage the board. I am on the octopus 1.1. I just got everything connected on my new build and am not getting comm to the board from my pi so I am just trying to figure out what is going on
https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/1046952693480038500 has many of the suggestions to try when dealing with that issue
molecular-blue15mo ago
This is the the way the plug is wired. White on the outside red on inside.
No description
molecular-blue15mo ago
But in manual it looks like this. I don't see any lights when I have it plugged in.
No description
molecular-blue15mo ago
Nevermind. It works as wired. I'll make a comment in the manual thank!