unzip file 1gb

I have a 1 gb file on r2. I want to unzip it and save the files back on r2. How would I do it without going over the 128 mb limit of workers?
2 Replies
zegevlier15mo ago
I'm not sure if this holds for all zip files, I'm not going off of what Wikipedia says, but apparently there is a central directory at the back of the zip file which lists all files contained in it. Perhaps you could go through that, then, for each of those files individually, add them to a queue and process them one by one. Then, there you could make a range request for the specific bytes you need, unzip that and write it to R2. This still seems like a rather error-prone setup, so you might be better off just renting a cheap VPS somewhere and doing this part on there.
Advany15mo ago
Yeah. Ill stick to google functions for now