Suddenly I get the arrow to show the left side bar as if I'm on mobile

Suddenly I get the arrow to show the left side bar as if I'm on mobile. I have watchtowerr upgrading the image every night and I am on the dev build How can I get back the normal sidebar?
26 Replies
Manicraft100115mo ago
Can you refresh the page? What resolution are you at? What scaling in Windows are you using? (100%, 150%, ...)
Spillebulle15mo ago
1440p, 1080p and phone, all show the button. 100% scaling, refreshing does nothing. Shows in all browsers
Manicraft100115mo ago
@ajnart did you merge something related to that? Mantine 6 perhaps?
ajnart15mo ago
It might be that yeah. I must’ve failed at some calculations before @spillebulle you are using dev right ?
Spillebulle15mo ago
ajnart15mo ago
It should be an easy fix Have you noticed other weird things ? There should be some sizes that feel “off” or just different. Please tell us which
Spillebulle15mo ago
Now that I was forced to use the collapsable sidebar I noticed there is no way to move apps or widgets there. If you open the sidebar it darkens everything else and you cant move anything there Haven't noticed anything else really The calendar doesn't fill the entire box anymore actually
ajnart15mo ago
Like inside it ? Or from it to the main dash ?
Spillebulle15mo ago
Move from the main dash to the sidebar
ajnart15mo ago
On your screenshot the dots are overlapping I should fix that too It might be that I somehow forgot to push a commit Yeah I believe that’s not possible on mobile , not 100% sure tho Oh wow it looks really bad
Spillebulle15mo ago
Here you can see the calendar thing. It's even worse on desktop
ajnart15mo ago
It’s strange because I remember fixing these 2 issues Maybe it was in my dreams. Or I forgot to commit I’ll look into it
Spillebulle14mo ago
I see the arrow was fixed and the sidebar properly shows after latest update. The calendar is still borked though @ajnart
ajnart14mo ago
Thanks @spillebulle , @manicraft1001 fixed it 😉
Spillebulle14mo ago
Just pulled the latest dev image and the calendar uses more space now but each day is still tiny @manicraft1001
Manicraft100114mo ago
It's intended behaviour, that it pulls more space now. But the indicators are not normal. @ajnart (sorry for the wrong ping)
ajnart14mo ago
We might need to fix that aha The days should be bigger and the indicators at the end of the days imo, what do you think @manicraft1001 ?
Manicraft100114mo ago
I'm not sure about the size of days. Perhaps we could just center the calendar?
ajnart14mo ago
I mean if they want it big we give it big
Manicraft100114mo ago
That's what she said
Spillebulle14mo ago
Big days!
Spillebulle14mo ago
Also got indicators poking through the widget editor
ajnart14mo ago
It iz what it iz 🤷🏻‍♂️ Actually can you create an issue on GitHub with these screenshots please ? we’ll address this for the next patch release
Spillebulle14mo ago
Indicators in calendar showing on top of widget editor · Issue #818...
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Days are small in calendar widget even though size of widget is qui...
Environment Docker Version 0.12.0 Dev Describe the problem The days in the calendar widget are so small the indicators start overlapping Logs 2023-04-13T01:04:16.773573620Z Listening on port 7575 u...
ajnart14mo ago
Thank you!
Manicraft100114mo ago
Thanks @spillebulle