A general curriculum-path thing for Golang

Sharing a note I made to help learn go for the web. Looking for some feedback, especially at the end.
10 Replies
👾  |  Lofty  |  👾
Any markdown viewer can show a nice view. I used obsidian to write it.
ErickO•15mo ago
lmao, I had a similar question asked at Amazon as your Knight travails thingy for the SQL resource that is more general and less...ruby https://planetscale.com/courses/mysql-for-developers/introduction/course-introduction https://sqlbolt.com/ hmm so I see what u mean about "especially at the end" I'm a bit confused who this is for
👾  |  Lofty  |  👾
Huh, the lesson linked actually is, pretty agonistic with the language, and links sqlbolt as an assignment.. which's why I went with it.. So, keep or blast? Mostly, it's one big lesson without jumping around.
ErickO•15mo ago
but here's another good web stuff resource https://github.com/vasanthk/how-web-works
👾  |  Lofty  |  👾
Was making a generalistic path for md, tbh.
ErickO•15mo ago
oh man knows a lot of stuff just never does projects also discord clone over github clone 100%, discord would include websockets so...much nicer
👾  |  Lofty  |  👾
In that case, I'd guess a straight up yeah, discord clone would be a cool project. welp, great waste of 90 minutes lol
ErickO•15mo ago
nah low-key good resource there I might take a few things I'm teaching someone how to code so... and I am teaching him with Go
👾  |  Lofty  |  👾
Well, I'm glad it helped someone :D