GitHub - evanderkoogh/otel-cf-workers: A...

GitHub - evanderkoogh/otel-cf-workers: An OpenTelemetry compatible ...
An OpenTelemetry compatible library for instrumenting and exporting traces for Cloudflare Workers - GitHub - evanderkoogh/otel-cf-workers: An OpenTelemetry compatible library for instrumenting and ...
9 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User•15mo ago
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Erwin•15mo ago
Skye is spot on. I wouldn’t use it in prod for anything too serious and critical, but absolutely play around with it and help we get it stable as quickly as possible 😃
Yacine Hmito
Yacine Hmito•15mo ago
Nice! We've been using your Honeycomb lib at Fabriq; happy to see a standard-based equivalent.
Yacine Hmito
Yacine Hmito•15mo ago
Any differences in approach with (Never used it but it sparked my interest)
GitHub - RichiCoder1/opentelemetry-sdk-workers: An Otel SDK for Clo...
An Otel SDK for Cloudflare Workers. Contribute to RichiCoder1/opentelemetry-sdk-workers development by creating an account on GitHub.
Erwin•15mo ago
That library only has the OTel exporter, but has the rest of the issues my old honeycomb library had in that you had to manually keep track of a fetch object that was wired to the correct trace. With this new library it is now possible to keep track of the async contexts, so if you use the global fetch, it will still associate it with the correct trace. It also means it is now possible for libraries like Hono for example to add attributes to a span, or to even add spans themselves
Yacine Hmito
Yacine Hmito•14mo ago
That is super neat. Will try it out!
Erwin•14mo ago
Yeah, it is right up your ally.. Btw.. did I already convince you to use Honeycomb? If not, make sure to give both a whirl 🙂
Yacine Hmito
Yacine Hmito•12mo ago
Replying to an old message: we've been users of Honeycomb for a while. It is incredible. Nothing comes close.
Erwin•12mo ago
Haha.. so much that! 😄