Custom stepper motor configuration

I've Manta M8P v1.0 with Fysetc TMC5160 v1.2. And HRP-36-300 PSU for motors, i know that's better to use 48v, but i was not very sure in possibilities of Fysetc TMC5160. I've all drivers TMC5160 on each motor. Motors: Rcoil: 1.69 Om Inductance: 2.6 mH Current: 1.8A Trying to figure out how to properly make a profile for motors. Can somebody explain me, please. So For example [tmc5160 stepper_y] cs_pin: y_uart_pin spi_software_mosi_pin: stepper_spi_mosi_pin spi_software_miso_pin: stepper_spi_miso_pin spi_software_sclk_pin: stepper_spi_sclk_pin run_current: 1.768 #( Blank time setting (0-3; default: 2) driver_TBL: 1 #( Typical values are in the range 3 to 8. Duration of slow decay phase (twice per chopper cycle)) driver_TOFF: 3 driver_HEND: 3 driver_HSTRT: 3 According to a tmc table Can anyone explain to me what the TBL / TOFF parameters are mainly responsible for and how to select the dependent HEND / HSTRT parameters
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45 Replies
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
As I understand it, the best option is to take an oscilloscope and empirically try to choose the parameters, looking at the waveform.
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
======================= Config error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 175, in _connect self._read_config() File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 141, in _read_config self.load_object(config, section_config.get_name(), None) File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 130, in load_object self.objects[section] = init_func(config.getsection(section)) File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 101, in load_config_prefix return TMC2209(config) File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 61, in init self.mcu_tmc = tmc_uart.MCU_TMC_uart(config, Registers, self.fields, 3, File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 219, in init self.instance_id, self.addr, self.mcu_uart = lookup_tmc_uart_bitbang( File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 191, in lookup_tmc_uart_bitbang rx_pin_params = ppins.lookup_pin(config.get('uart_pin'), can_pullup=True, File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 57, in get return self._get_wrapper(self.fileconfig.get, option, default, File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 32, in _get_wrapper raise error("Option '%s' in section '%s' must be specified" configparser.Error: Option 'uart_pin' in section 'tmc2209 stepper_x' must be specified
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
absent-sapphireβ€’15mo ago
Can you upload printer.cfg please
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
A second
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
This is
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
No description
absent-sapphireβ€’15mo ago
Line 46,57,58 try uncomment
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
Option 'aliases' in section 'board_pins manta_m8p_tmc2209' must have 2 elements Option 'uart_pin' in section 'tmc2209 stepper_x' must be specified πŸ˜„ Ok, than i'll try to comment it
absent-sapphireβ€’15mo ago
But you are not using tmc2209?
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
I'm using 5160 , but there no config file for 5160 As i understand 5160 inherits from 2209 I've comment it And now i'me loose conection to MCU mcu 'mcu': Starting serial connect mcu 'mcu': Unable to open serial port: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/btt-manta-m8p: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/btt-manta-m8p' webhooks client 281473560382720: New connection webhooks client 281473560382720: Client info {'program': 'Moonraker', 'version': 'v0.8.0-30-g110cbd1'} mcu 'mcu': Unable to open serial port: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/btt-manta-m8p: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/btt-manta-m8p' mcu 'mcu': Unable to open serial port: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/btt-manta-m8p: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/btt-manta-m8p'
absent-sapphireβ€’15mo ago
What did you change? I dont why you try to use both 2209 and 5169 configs at the same time πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
I've commented line 46/57/58
absent-sapphireβ€’15mo ago
And that make you loose connection to MCU?
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
Yes O_o [ 315.671854] usb 2-1.4: USB disconnect, device number 4 [ 317.452877] usb 2-1.4: new full-speed USB device number 5 using ehci-platform [ 317.683466] usb 2-1.4: New USB device found, idVendor=0483, idProduct=df11, bcdDevice= 2.00 [ 317.683496] usb 2-1.4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 317.683505] usb 2-1.4: Product: DFU in FS Mode [ 317.683513] usb 2-1.4: Manufacturer: STMicroelectronics [ 317.683520] usb 2-1.4: SerialNumber: 2087377A464B [ 693.722091] usb 2-1.4: USB disconnect, device number 5 [ 695.523289] usb 2-1.4: new full-speed USB device number 6 using ehci-platform [ 695.757903] usb 2-1.4: New USB device found, idVendor=1d50, idProduct=614e, bcdDevice= 1.00 [ 695.757935] usb 2-1.4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 695.757944] usb 2-1.4: Product: stm32g0b1xx [ 695.757952] usb 2-1.4: Manufacturer: Klipper [ 695.757959] usb 2-1.4: SerialNumber: m8p [ 695.760295] cdc_acm 2-1.4:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device biqu@ratos:~$ ls /dev/ | grep m8 biqu@ratos:~$ find /dev/ -name m8* biqu@ratos:~$ cd /dev biqu@ratos:/dev$ ls serial/ by-id by-path biqu@ratos:/dev$ ls serial/by-id/ usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_m8p-if00 biqu@ratos:/dev$ Ok, ive fixed it Now i've problem Pin 'adxl345_cs_pin' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu'
absent-sapphireβ€’15mo ago
Uncomment adxl for now then
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
The same thing, and i dont have adxl connected to motherboard , i've it on a toolboard
absent-sapphireβ€’15mo ago
you have not selected a toolboard in your config
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
selected , no changes flashed it
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
Pin 'adxl345_cs_pin' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu' again
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
absent-sapphireβ€’15mo ago
accel adxl345_cs_pin=PB12, adxl345_miso=PB2, adxl345_mosi=PB11, adxl345_clk=PB10, [adxl345] spi_software_mosi_pin: stepper_spi_mosi_pin spi_software_miso_pin: stepper_spi_miso_pin spi_software_sclk_pin: stepper_spi_sclk_pin cs_pin: adxl345_cs_pin id try rework that and see if it fires up not sure why its calling for adxl pin when its disabled in the first config tho
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
That's for a toolboard ?
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rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
I've deleted my board_pins aliases for motors and then it works
absent-sapphireβ€’15mo ago
Nice πŸ‘ Nvm the adxl pins then
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
But i've to return my motor pins [board_pins manta_m8p_tmc2209] aliases: z0_step_pin=PC9, z0_dir_pin=PC8, z0_enable_pin=PD1, z0_uart_pin=PD0, z0_diag_pin=null, z1_step_pin=PA10, z1_dir_pin=PD15, z1_enable_pin=PA15, z1_uart_pin=PF8, z1_diag_pin=null, z2_step_pin=PD12, z2_dir_pin=PD11, z2_enable_pin=PD14, z2_uart_pin=PD13, z2_diag_pin=null accel adxl345_cs_pin=PB12, adxl345_miso=PB2, adxl345_mosi=PB11, adxl345_clk=PB10 [adxl345] spi_software_mosi_pin: stepper_spi_mosi_pin spi_software_miso_pin: stepper_spi_miso_pin spi_software_sclk_pin: stepper_spi_sclk_pin cs_pin: adxl345_cs_pin [tmc5160 stepper_z] cs_pin: z0_uart_pin run_current: 1.6 driver_TBL: 2 driver_TOFF: 3 driver_HEND: 3 driver_HSTRT: 6 [tmc5160 stepper_z1] cs_pin: z1_uart_pin run_current: 1.6 driver_TBL: 2 driver_TOFF: 3 driver_HEND: 3 driver_HSTRT: 6 [tmc5160 stepper_z2] cs_pin: z2_uart_pin run_current: 1.6 driver_TBL: 2 driver_TOFF: 3 driver_HEND: 3 driver_HSTRT: 6 Like this ?
absent-sapphireβ€’15mo ago
No clue rly
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
Pin 'x_uartpin' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu' Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "RESTART" command to reload the config and restart the host software. Printer is halted >> what... ok for today But i have other info in config file
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
That's my current
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
I don't understand why this causes so many problems, I just need to change the position of the motor drivers, place Z0, Z1, Z2 on the 5,6,7 slot. @miklschmidt I know it might be rude to ask you for help with such a simple problem, but I've spent all day today trying to figure out the error. But please, please help, can you point out what is wrong.
absent-sapphireβ€’15mo ago
Id try specifically add steppers in override if i were you.
absent-sapphireβ€’15mo ago
Mine looks like this
No description
miklschmidtβ€’15mo ago
Do not override the board pin alias.
miklschmidtβ€’15mo ago
Advanced Stepper Configuration | RatOS
RatOS V1.1 introduced modularized stepper and driver configuration, this can be used for more fine grained control of your steppers. In your printer.cfg you might have noticed a section like this:
miklschmidtβ€’15mo ago
It's all there in your case, you just replace the relevant stepper includes with your own tmc sections.
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
It's just that it was not written anywhere that the pins of the board cannot be reassigned. So it's easier for me to write the same thing, but just in the description of stepper drivers? Ok, thank you I'm sorry, I misunderstood your statement on the site specifically rewriting pins. Those. in fact, there are other configs further down the line of inheritance that use the motherboard config. But it is very strange why something breaks conditionally that does not depend on it ... Or does it in this case use only a part of the pins that are redefined and break from this?
Those. in theory, if you redefine all the pins, would it work? But I understand that this is not the way to do it. I was just trying to learn a python parser that generates a generic config file.
miklschmidtβ€’15mo ago
There are no redefinitions. You can always resort to using the board's pin names. The board alias configuration is only there for board abstraction. As a user, you don't care about that, you're not switching boards all the time. Eg. there's no benefit or reason for redefining the alias, just leave it be πŸ™‚
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
Thank you for the explanation! I still need to connect the ups board to the mainboard, but so far, as I understand it, there will be no support for it? In principle, my board works from ups for about two minutes without mains power.
miklschmidtβ€’15mo ago
Not out of the box support no, but you are free to do anything you want, so you can configure it yourself πŸ™‚
rival-blackβ€’15mo ago
I last used a klipper 4 years ago, now it's completely different, and I'm shooting myself in the legs trying to do it the way I used to. Yes, and old habits after Marlin, I still can’t figure out the structure, and what depends on what and how it works.
miklschmidtβ€’15mo ago
It's not very complicated, ignore the RatOS configuration, focus on the user override section and pretend like the rest doesn't exist. Then go to the klipper config reference and pick out what you need from there.