Using Pages CI You can open open the

Using Pages CI? You can open open the deployment logs and see if there's anything interesting there
10 Replies
Cayter•15mo ago
i'm using wrangler pages publish as i have a different CI/CD needs where i setup preview environments with neon DB
James•15mo ago
With Direct Uploads, your best bet would be to check your own logs from GitHub Actions, etc. or wherever your CI lives. That should provide more info about any failures from pages publish If you don't see any errors, it may have been a blip so I'd recommend just running it again
Cayter•15mo ago
i don't see any errors even when running on my local, i've run it for like 13 times
Cayter•15mo ago
this is what i've been seeing over and over again
Cayter•15mo ago
the thing is running wrangler pages dev ./public --compatibility-date=2023-03-21 --compatibility-flags=nodejs_compat --experimental-local --log-level=error also working fine locally which i can open the web page without any issue
James•15mo ago
Can you double check your compat flags and date set in the Pages dashboard? Check for anything weird like spaces, newlines, etc.
Cayter•15mo ago
yeah double checked a few times
Cayter•15mo ago
hmmm ok i removed nodejs_compat and now it works... is nodejs_compat having issues? oh ok, it's not nodejs_compat, it's streams_enable_constructors thx for the help tho
James•15mo ago
you shouldn't need streams_enable_constructors anymore with a modern compat date 🙂 Glad it's working now though!
Cayter•15mo ago
ahhh didnt know that thx man