No tRPC requests after integrating Clerk

I integrated Clerk according to the docs and removed next-auth stuff. But now no trpc requests are being made anymore?? If I log in the [trpc].ts request handler I don't see anything in the console. Does clerk block this somehow? Super confused.
I integrated Clerk according to the docs and removed next-auth stuff. But now no trpc requests are being made anymore?? If I log in the [trpc].ts request handler I don't see anything in the console. Does clerk block this somehow? Super confused.
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3 Replies
James Perkins
James Perkins15mo ago
we don't block actively but what does your console look like when a request is being atttempted client side.
CaptainPhoton15mo ago
There was nothing. And now today, without any changes, it started working again. some weird local issue 🤷‍♂️
James Perkins
James Perkins15mo ago
Well that is weird, great to hear that it is working for you.