why does my video views flatline after 1 day?

Can somebody help?
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4DC15mo ago
@slmhntr9333 There could be several reasons why your video views flatline after 1 day. Here are a few possible explanations: 1. Lack of promotion: If you're not actively promoting your video through social media, email lists, or other channels, it may not be reaching a wider audience beyond your initial viewers. Consider investing in some paid advertising to reach a larger audience. 2. Content quality: If your video isn't engaging or relevant to your target audience, they may lose interest quickly and not share it with others. Make sure your video is well-produced and offers something of value to your viewers. 3. Algorithm changes: Social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook regularly update their algorithms, which can impact how your video is promoted and suggested to viewers. Keep up-to-date on changes and adjust your strategy accordingly. 4. Competition: There is a lot of content being produced and uploaded every day, so your video may be competing with other similar content for views. Consider creating content that stands out from the crowd. 5. Timing: The timing of your video release may impact its initial success. Consider releasing your video during peak viewing hours, or during a time when your target audience is most active on social media. Overall, there are many factors that can impact the success of your video, so it's important to continually evaluate and adjust your strategy.