any website?

guys..m on mobile do it's not possible for me to make a svg desing but is there any website where I can make the svg for the wave I've seen a few but, they seem to generate the waves as random..they r not as consistent as it's shown in the image
12 Replies
~MARSMAN~15mo ago
I can't find any, and yeah most of them give random waves. Anyway, here's one i made in figma
~MARSMAN~15mo ago
That blue line has an id "blue-line" if you wanna customize it later. If you want me to add that blue gradient to it, let me know.
glutonium15mo ago
awww.. that's man 🥲 appreciate it
~MARSMAN~15mo ago
You're welcome 😁
glutonium15mo ago
@therealmarsmanbtw i found a way to get svg code xD i was trying out different things and then i realised, i can just take screenshot of the part I want to make svg out of, then from websites, i can convert the image to .svg format once downloaded, i can then go in my files..and change the format from the .svg to .txt and thag gives me the code or the path xD
~MARSMAN~15mo ago
that's cool! Thanks for sharing
glutonium15mo ago
hihi does svg take before pseudo element
~MARSMAN~15mo ago
You can set it as a background-image in your before Save your SVG in a file and then use
background-image: url("/path/to/file")
background-image: url("/path/to/file")
glutonium15mo ago
hmm i instead , wrapped it around in a div and then game before to THAT div instead well it worked xD
~MARSMAN~15mo ago
Well great then 😁
glutonium15mo ago