PAM Script not working

It still probes the whole bed lol
6 Replies
Helge Keck
Helge Keck15mo ago
Unknown command:"MESH_CONFIG"
Helge Keck
Helge Keck15mo ago
you did not successfully installed PAM you missed one or more of the steps
Plynix15mo ago
but the start gcode is right?
Helge Keck
Helge Keck15mo ago
seems like
Plynix15mo ago
ok M190 S0 ; Prevents prusaslicer from prepending m190 to the gcode interfering with the macro M109 S0 ; Prevents prusaslicer from prepending m109 to the gcode interfering with the macro SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RatOS VARIABLE=relative_extrusion VALUE=True MESH_CONFIG X0={first_layer_print_min[0]} Y0={first_layer_print_min[1]} X1={first_layer_print_max[0]} Y1={first_layer_print_max[1]} START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP=[first_layer_temperature] BED_TEMP=[first_layer_bed_temperature] @Helge Keck can o somehow like test if it works without starting a print? oh nvm works perfectly