Vim "virtual text?!?" fix

The issue is that when there's an error in nvim, the error message is going through the screen and its imposible to read it
I don't know if you can reflow the error text to line wrap or something like that. But you can bind a key to vim.diagnostic.open_float() to get a popup similar to vim.lsp.buf.hover() which shows you the error in it's entirety
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6 Replies
John14mo ago
John14mo ago
is this error thingy tweaked by virtual text config or something else?
Vincent Udén
Vincent Udén14mo ago
I don't know if you can reflow the error text to line wrap or something like that. But you can bind a key to vim.diagnostic.open_float() to get a popup similar to vim.lsp.buf.hover() which shows you the error in it's entirety
John14mo ago
ok i tried some things and they are weird. For not i ended up with turning virtual text off. and turns out lsp zero already has binding for open_float thanks Vincent
John14mo ago
John14mo ago
for now it looks like that