Detect Selected Label without radio button

I'm trying to recreate this calculator : What I understand is, they have hidden the radio button and used text label to select the option. recreated this. Then, I'm not able to see which field is selected.(like the focus state) how do i approach this?
9 Replies
glutonium14mo ago
r u saying they used the radio to listen for click events?
Abdul Ahad⚡
Abdul Ahad⚡14mo ago
glutonium14mo ago
@abdulahad check where I pinged you
Abdul Ahad⚡
Abdul Ahad⚡14mo ago
did something wrong?
Abdul Ahad⚡
Abdul Ahad⚡14mo ago
I've did it in the codepen, please check
glutonium14mo ago
well yaa it seems to be working fine
Abdul Ahad⚡
Abdul Ahad⚡14mo ago
got it. Thank you so much