nextjs e-commerce template
Hi guys I'm looking for a nextJs template to setup an e-commerce website but I'm not sure what to use, just a fast one. so I came to hear your opinion about setting up an e-commerce website
5 Replies
Most times, you lose valuable time trying to configure and fit things to your taste from a pre built template
Depending on your level though
Plan, are you willing to pay for one or are you looking for a free version
GitHub - mehrabmp/kara-shop: KARA - Ecommerce built with T3 Stack :...
KARA - Ecommerce built with T3 Stack : NextJS, TypeScript, tRPC, Prisma, NextAuth and styled with Tailwind CSS - GitHub - mehrabmp/kara-shop: KARA - Ecommerce built with T3 Stack : NextJS, TypeScri...
if there is a good free option that's fine
@samyar_kd if u are planning on doing a real world e commerce website i implore you to use either shopify or magento, get their rest api open api spec and generate the api calls and embed the user token in the trpc context creation process
ecomerces are surprisingly complex and ecommerce clients demands are ever growing
you have next-commerce, then you can pick your ecommerce platform like shopify @samyar_kd
GitHub - vercel/commerce: Next.js Commerce
Next.js Commerce. Contribute to vercel/commerce development by creating an account on GitHub.