RatOS-Configurator Error

Just flashed RatOS to a new pi/card and keep getting this message. Any way to recover RatOS-configurator is it it a back up the files so far and re-write the card?
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6 Replies
miklschmidt14mo ago
Then please redo, because you’re missing files
make sure you are using a quality SD card
miklschmidt14mo ago
And use the newest image (2.0.1)
sensitive-blue14mo ago
It’s the latest image. On a SanDisk card. (Same card that used to be used in the VC3) no way to run a recover script?
there is no recover script. You are missing files when you shouldn't - so maybe your SD card is corrupt or something
miklschmidt14mo ago
Reflash, use Balena Etcher.