When OpenBrush starts up, I can only see a black and (seemingly) nothing works [on Valve Index]

I am new to discord and did not find anyone with seemingly the same issue, trying to see if anyone could help. Some background: I have a Valve Index headset and controllers, and downloaded OpenBrush on Steam. At some point in time I was able to play it, probably about 1 year ago now but have not been able to play for the last couple months. When I start OpenBrush, I see the logo breifly, I see a flash (of some possible game artifacts, UI, idk) and then the screen goes black. I am still able to see the OB controllers, but the buttons dont do anything. I feel haptic feedback in my controllers, but am not sure if it is from my controller's normal feedback or from the game's menu/UI feedback (if it even has any idk) I have reinstalled the game multiple times, and am pretty much at a loss at this point. I have also tried to change my "beta" version to either "None" and "previous", "beta" since someone mentioned that here, and it hasnt helped. I believe the specific error has to do with OpenXR and I switched some setting with that as well, but no luck. Currently uninstalling the game just for fun If anyone knows anything that could help me, i'd really appreciate it. Really thinking about just buying tiltbrush if this game wont work
12 Replies
CaptainXap14mo ago
Have you tried installing an earlier version to see if that works?
smdoherty14mo ago
Would I install earlier versions on GitHub or something? I've only tried installing with Steam so far
CaptainXap14mo ago
There is a 'previous' beta channel, which will install the previous version of the app. Right click on open brush -> Properties -> Betas then select previous from the dropdown.
CaptainXap14mo ago
You can also browse all the releases on the github pages: https://github.com/icosa-gallery/open-brush/releases
Releases · icosa-gallery/open-brush
Open Brush is the open source, community led evolution of Tilt Brush! Forked from https://github.com/googlevr/tilt-brush - icosa-gallery/open-brush
CaptainXap14mo ago
I would suggest only trying ones that are not tagged 'prerelease' though
smdoherty14mo ago
I have tried "previous" as well as "None" since I reinstalled, neither of them work. When trying "previous": I see the OpenBrush logo, and things go black and I only see my controllers with no ui or buttons doing anything. When trying "None": I see the OpenBrush logo, but the load bar worked, almost got to the end... then did the same thing as before and went black and I only had my non-functional controllers in VR. Would you know of any releases with Valve Index specific compatibility fixes or something? Not really sure I know enough to just choose random releases when I dont really know what is going wrong
andybak14mo ago
@smdoherty Does this sound like the same issue posted here? https://discord.com/channels/783806589991780412/1078493077418815488
smdoherty14mo ago
It may be related, but its different. I am able to see the Index controllers and they are tracked in space, which sounds different from their issue. I have had the SteamVR or OpenXR prompt, and tried many different combinations of the beta/“previous” release and nothing worked. I can try tomorrow and give any updates I have uninstalled and reinstalled again. The issue is different since my controllers are visible and tracked in 3d space still (sometimes with inaccuracies) No luck with running in beta version previous using either OpenXR or SteamVR Looking at some other threads I have also tried disabling Nvidia Vsync for OpenBrush specifically since that is what someone said, and I have an Nvidia RTX Super 2080 graphics cards. Hasnt helped so far I switched the beta to the beta version, and for the first time I got the OpenBrush logo that is tracked to the headset (which is new) and THEN the OpenBrush logo/loading meter (which is usually what I see), bu then things go black again. However, this time I was able to see the "cursor"/black circle that you draw from if I recall correctly locked into the center of the floor where I am standing
andybak14mo ago
You haven't by any chance installed the Oculus desktop software at any point?
smdoherty14mo ago
I would be pretty sure I have not installed any oculus software lol
andybak14mo ago
A long shot but I wanted to eliminate one thing in particular
tburr7mo ago
I am having the same issues with the quest 2 and Oculus link. Was a solution ever found?