Backend Technology Advice

Hello, I'm a newbie React developer and i need to learn some backend to use in my projects (like create a simple e-commerce database etc.). What should I learn as a backend technology ? What is your advice?
14 Replies
goldenretriever14mo ago
@Kerim also curious. I was always leaning towards express.js because it's also JS, but I might be outdated
Matvey14mo ago
Next.js has /api directory with express-like API
kerimkaraman14mo ago
I also think expressjs is outdated I also wanna use it in my career, not just in my projects, I do have a bit python knowledge.
Matvey14mo ago
Try T3 stack: It's now one of the best ways to build an app with next.js
goldenretriever14mo ago
what limitations it have? Like, can I build a big app on it?
Matvey14mo ago
Yes, for example is built with T3 stack
kerimkaraman14mo ago
i tried next.js when CRA died but its looks like complicated and surely i need to study on next.js to create apps.
goldenretriever14mo ago
thanks so much, will try it. Backend has often been a missing detail for me to build a webapp. What about a database? Maybe it's also covered in t3 docs?
Daryl14mo ago
In that case, you can try Vite to start with a React Template. It's easy to configure and add all the stuff you might want.
kerimkaraman14mo ago
yeah, i currently creating my react apps using vite
Matvey14mo ago
T3 uses Prisma ORM for the database:
goldenretriever14mo ago
jfc I'm so outdated, been deep into React web/apps for a few years. Thanks again
Matvey14mo ago
You can use next just as a router and /pages/api, without any complicated stuff and adopt new stuff when you want
chip14mo ago
Save the planet and use something else than Node for your backend 👍
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