Stop unnecessary vercel deployments in mono-repo

I have one repo which contains two vercel projects, with both projects linked to the same git branch. At the moment, if I make a change to one project, it triggers a redeployment of both. Is there a way (perhaps with GitHub actions) to only trigger builds for projects when certain sub directories have changed? Thanks!
3 Replies
Sybatron14mo ago
Vercel Documentation
How to Use GitHub Actions to Deploy to Vercel
Learn how to use GitHub Actions as your CI/CD provider to deploy to Vercel, including support for GitHub Enterprise Server.
Sybatron14mo ago
Vercel Documentation
Working with the Deploy Button
Deploy public Git projects with the Deploy Button, and set up new projects with Vercel and GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket
fasm14mo ago
Awesome, thank you. I think this combined with a path filter should do the trick