How can i grow a very small car posting account without paying for promotions?

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13 Replies
4DC15mo ago
As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or experiences, but I can suggest some tips to grow a small car posting account without paying for promotions: 1. Use relevant hashtags: Use relevant hashtags to increase your reach and visibility. Research popular hashtags in your niche and use them in your posts. 2. Engage with your followers: Respond to comments and messages from your followers. This will help build a connection with them and increase their loyalty to your account. 3. Post consistently: Try to post regularly, at least once a day, to keep your followers engaged and interested in your content. 4. Collaborate with other accounts: Reach out to other accounts in your niche and collaborate on content or promotions. This can help you reach new audiences and gain more followers. 5. Create high-quality content: Make sure your posts are visually appealing and provide value to your followers. This will help you stand out and attract new followers. 6. Utilize Instagram features: Make use of Instagram features such as stories, reels, and IGTV to provide more content and keep your followers engaged. 7. Use analytics: Monitor your analytics to see what types of posts perform best and adjust your content strategy accordingly.
ethanook15mo ago
I have problems with number 4, 5, and 6 4. Theres limited people i can reach out to because some would not bother to reply to small accounts 5. High quality content im trying but theres little places in my place for me to spot cars 6. I have no idea how to create videos I've just started this account less than a week ago.
probablyraging15mo ago
4. Theres limited people i can reach out to because some would not bother to reply to small accounts
There are other smaller car people on this server, I know I've seen a few YouTubers. I'd recommend searching through, or creating a thread in #looking-for-stuff
5. High quality content im trying but theres little places in my place for me to spot cars
Join some local car clubs on Facebook, attend meet-ups, etc..
6. I have no idea how to create videos
Just record some cool car footage, put some music of the top of it, upload it as a reel. All of this can be done in the IG app itself
ethanook15mo ago
Well, im 14 this year and i dont know how can i go to meet ups.
probablyraging15mo ago
Yeah, that might be a bit tricky. Do you have an older sibling or parent who is also into cars who would be willing to take you?
ethanook15mo ago
Uhh i do have a cousin but he's a busy man and he live quite far as well.
probablyraging15mo ago
Organise a weekend to go to a meet-up, get as much footage as you can, break it down in to multiple posts that can last you a couple weeks or more. Other than that, I'm not really sure
ethanook15mo ago
ahh about that i managed to ration a around 10+ photos that can last me a week or two. but for videos i dont really know how to Im trying to figure out on that Cause i'm well "very bad" at videography
probablyraging15mo ago
If you go to a popular meet-up there might be 100s of cars and hours of footage. I would recommend jumping on Google and YouTube and finding some free ways to make easy videos on mobile, it's not hard by any means
ethanook15mo ago
Ahh okay, thank you for your time! so ill try to go to #looking-for-stuff then try to go to big meetups or small thats near maybe i can go for lookouts as well then learn how to make videos
probablyraging15mo ago
Sounds like a good place to start mate. Holla if you need anything else 👌🏽
ethanook15mo ago
Also one more question do you know any effective way i can promote
willis15mo ago
You probably figured it out by now but just in case, try Networking. Find people with similar interests through YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc and make connections with them. These connections will help you build a community and potentially add to your following as well.