Collect user's name on sign up form using NextAuth.js Email Provider?
Hi all 👋 How do I collect a user's name at the outset of a sign up flow when using the Email Provider?
E.g. from a typical sign up form like the attached?
As far as I can tell, this can't be accomplished by using the configuration options (, Email Provider options ( or Callbacks ( detailed in the documentation & requires a deeper level of customisation.
I appreciate the hurdle to overcome is that the User isn't created immediately but, instead, a Verification Token is generated and the User is only created when the user navigates to the verification URL included in the verification email.
It seems like there's a few options to overcoming this problem:
• Store the name in the VerificationToken table.
• Include the name parameters in the verification URL sent via email.
• Store the name in a cookie.
The first seems like the most obvious/robust to me. I guess this would include:
• Customising the endpoint that receives the form to include the name data in a call to generate the Verification Token.
• Customising the Verification Token generation procedure to store the name data.
• Customising the verification endpoint to retrieve the name data when creating the User.
Could someone point me in the direction of how one would go about achieving this? 🙏
(Note: Copy of question posted to NextAuth.js GitHub discussions that received no reply -
Email | NextAuth.js
Callbacks | NextAuth.js
Callbacks are asynchronous functions you can use to control what happens when an action is performed.
Collect user's name on sign up form using Email Provider? · nextaut...
Hi all 👋 How do I collect a user's name at the outset of a sign up flow when using the Email Provider? E.g. from a typical sign up form like the following...? As far as I can tell, this can'...
2 Replies