How to refetch data after Clerk login?

Sign in
Sign in
Problem: data is stale after authentication change. I need a way to invalidate data (tRPC) after login/logout. Clerk doesn't seem to give you a way to manually control login-logout. They give you prebuilt SignInButton/SignOutButton but you can't control it. I tried using useEffect with {isSignIn} = useUser() but it only worked with sign-out and not sign-in.
Update your middleware matcher ```tsx export const config = { matcher: [...
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13 Replies
James Perkins
James Perkins•14mo ago
Clerk gives you plently of ways to check login status and even how to log out. useAuth has: isSignedIn <-- will be false on sign out. signOut <-- a way to sign out userId <-- will be null on sign out. and not when you are logged in. useClerk() gives you access to every low level part of Clerk. Maybe describe what you actually want? The code snippet you have is just a way to sign in so not sure that is relevant. If you want to handle your own flows to sign in. useSignIn useSignUp Then you can do conditional fetches if that is what you are asking:
const { userId } = useAuth();
const hello = api.example.hello.useQuery({ text: "from tRPC" }, { enabled: !!userId });
const { userId } = useAuth();
const hello = api.example.hello.useQuery({ text: "from tRPC" }, { enabled: !!userId });
Apestein•14mo ago
When I sign-in/sign out with the <SignInButton>/<SignOutButton>, my trpc data is isn't updated. So I need something like this.
function handleSignIn() {
void ctx.example.invalidate()
<button onClick={handleSignIn}>
Sign in
function handleSignIn() {
void ctx.example.invalidate()
<button onClick={handleSignIn}>
Sign in
I also tried useEffect like this. This only works for sign-out however.
const {isSignIn} = useAuth()
useEffect(()=> {
void ctx.example.invalidate()
const {isSignIn} = useAuth()
useEffect(()=> {
void ctx.example.invalidate()
Basically after the redirect from clerk sign-in page I need to invalidate data Although I don't understand why it doesn't do that automatically since it should be similar to a full page refresh
James Perkins
James Perkins•14mo ago
const { userId, } = useAuth();
useEffect(() => {
}, [userId])
const { userId, } = useAuth();
useEffect(() => {
}, [userId])
This fires every single time the state changes, userId or userId becomes null. Clerk doesn't full refresh on a sign out, nor really on sign in depending on how you are doing signin. Same for this:
const { isSignedIn, } = useAuth();
useEffect(() => {
}, [isSignedIn])
const { isSignedIn, } = useAuth();
useEffect(() => {
}, [isSignedIn])
Apestein•14mo ago
same problem, it only works on sign-out
James Perkins
James Perkins•14mo ago
Both of those work on sign in and sign out. Why don't you give the full code example that you are trying
Apestein•14mo ago in: okay this is little weird, problem exist on dev build only the production updates fine on my dev build the hearts don't update when I log-in
James Perkins
James Perkins•14mo ago
Update your middleware matcher
export const config = {
matcher: [
* Match all request paths except for the ones starting with:
* - _next
* - static (static files)
* - favicon.ico (favicon file)
export const config = {
matcher: [
* Match all request paths except for the ones starting with:
* - _next
* - static (static files)
* - favicon.ico (favicon file)
James Perkins
James Perkins•14mo ago
So your tRPC routes run correctly. I see useEffect firing correctly
Apestein•14mo ago
yeah that fixed it
Apestein•14mo ago
been trying to fix this one for awhile, thanks i was following theo tutorial, that's why i had that matcher
James Perkins
James Perkins•14mo ago
Yeah no worries... I work at Clerk so happy to help 😄
Apestein•14mo ago
I couldn't find any documentation on it. Could you point me to the docs if they exist And it seem to work fine here: And also on clerk:
James Perkins
James Perkins•14mo ago
TRPC | Clerk
Learn how to integrate Clerk into your Next.js with TRPC