Prisma nested write issue
I get a TS error (and failing query) when trying to execute this nested write.
What is going on here? Why is this not a valid nested write?
When executing the error throws:
Unknown arg "applicant" in data.applicant for type ApplicationUncheckedCreateInput.
6 Replies
That looks correct when I test it.
Did you run
prisma generate
after updating schema?
Restart TS Server and restart VS Code if that doesn't work.@joerambo the error still remains. I'm completely dazzled why this doesn't work
I figured it out with the help of Prisma support:
Can you share the fixed create method? Curious what it looks like now.
@joerambo sure here you go
Ahh thanks. I see the multiple nested fields now. Appreciate the follow up!
Nested write issue · prisma prisma · Discussion #18877
I get a TS error (and failing query) when trying to execute this nested write. model Applicant { id String @id @default(uuid()) @db.Uuid email String @unique applications Application[] @@map("...