Stupid Prettier parsing, it adds two spaces triggering my ADHD error system

Kind of a stupid question but whenever I use an union in TS, Prettier lints it with two extra spaces, triggering a visual error on that line. What setting prevents that? Don’t you dare telling me stop using tabs and start using spaces though theowat
if it triggers you that much just type // 😅...
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6 Replies
Sybatron14mo ago
if it triggers you that much just type // 😅
Sybatron14mo ago
it will add the needed space it wants to stop showing as error
Migu14mo ago
you mean this?
Migu14mo ago
so weird, it works though cheers!
cje14mo ago
that solution is so cursed lmao im also working in a ts repo with 4 spaces, and have just accepted that union types mess up the spacing and make the rainbow indent go red
Migu14mo ago
I'm sure there's some weird prettier config that changes that behavior but unable to find the correct wording for my google searches so far seems to be a basic conflict between pipe representation that Typescript decides and Prettier that wants to convert everything into tabs, oh well