Twill CMSundersound

Fetch all models with field value of X

Sorry to ask such a basic question but I want to do the following.... I have a model called Work (and a WorkController and WorkRepository). On my Work module there is a field called "available" of type checkbox. Now i want to fetch all models with "available" selected. 1. What is best practice to implement a e.g. getAllAvailable() method? Is that on the WorkRepository, WorkController of Work model class? 2. How do I select all the models with that checkbox selected. In the laravel docs I saw this $flights = Flight::where('destination', 'Paris')->get(); but I can't seem to use the where function on my model. E.g. Work::where is not working. Thanks for any guidance
agnonym372d ago
Hi @undersound, a good practice is to create a scope on the model (Twill already use this feature to get published models) : For example, on your Work class, if you available attribute is a bool:
public function scopeAvailable(Builder $query, bool $available = true): void
$query->where('available', $available);
public function scopeAvailable(Builder $query, bool $available = true): void
$query->where('available', $available);
Then, you can get the available models like that:
$workList = Work::available()->get();
$workList = Work::available()->get();
For this 'available' need, you could also use the native 'published' feature of Twill
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undersound372d ago
Thanks @agnonym , is this also applicable to laravel 9.x?
agnonym372d ago
Since at least Laravel 4 🙂
undersound372d ago
Is the published feature of Twill you mention to indicate if a model instance is published? Because the available field on my model does not represent this state of the model instance. It is more a value to indicate if a piece of work is availble for sale Sorry real beginner here with Laravel 🙂
agnonym372d ago
Yep, just wanted to tell you it could be the same feature as you want to achieve with available.
undersound372d ago
y eah I thought that, appreciated @agnonym that works like a charm, thank you very much! Out of curiousity... how would I implement the same functionality but than with the get function Would I want to use the filter parameter there?
agnonym372d ago
Not sure to understand what you want, is that for admin filtering like that:
No description
agnonym372d ago
or is that for our frontend to be used in a controller ?
undersound372d ago
As far as I understand the WorkRepository class gets created when creating a module through php artisan twill:make:module . So in my case WorkRepository got created and extends ModuleRepository. I am using this class WorkRepository in my WorkController to fetch Work models for my frontend Route::get('/work', [WorkController::class , 'index']); I think this WorkRepository class is also used by the admin views but I am not sure. Anyways, in this case I want to use it for filtering in the frontend.
agnonym372d ago
ok. Twill is headless CMS, all the files created when you create a module if for admin functionalities (Admin Controller, Repository, Request, ...), but it doesn't mean you can't use it for your frontend Personally, I don't use the Repository for my frontend as if there are breaking changes in Twill package, I don't want to fix all my frontend So, on my frontend controller I usually fetch models like that $workList = Work::with(potential relations like medias, blocks, slugs, ...)->publishedInListings()->get() or ->paginate(x) the publishedInListings is a scope that filter published models and checks if you have publication dates (start / end) that the model is visible But I think you can use the get method of the ModuleRepository, something like that: app(WorkRepository::class)->get([relations], [scopes like 'publishedInListings', 'available'], [orders], 100) If you want all your available and published models order by name attribute, and you need slugs to redirect to a Work page and your model has translations, medias and blocks, it should be (not tested) app(WorkRepository::class)->get(['slugs', 'translations', 'medias', 'blocks'], ['publishedInListings', 'available'], [['name' => 'asc']], -1);
undersound371d ago
Thanks @agnonym , that's helpful and nice to see other approaches for getting content.
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