Novu•14mo ago

Activity feed empty (v0.14.0)

Hi all! After upgrading to v0.14.0 I'm triggering PUSH notifications and despite the fact that I'm getting 201 responses, I can't see anything in the Activity Feed. The /notifications API also returns no notifications.. Am I missing something obvious? Is there a breaking change regarding notification triggering? I'm also adding the stacktrace at the moment of the triggering. Thanks!
12 Replies
Novu_Bot•14mo ago
@serafeimo, you just advanced to level 5!
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•14mo ago
Hi Just to double check you are using development environment key to trigger and also checking activity feed in same environment?
serafeimo•14mo ago
Hi @Pawan Jain, I'm triggering the notification via the API call (/trigger) and I'm passing the api key which I got from Novu's web dashboard. Then I checked in the dashboard and by calling the /notifications API, again with the same api key.
Dima Grossman
Dima Grossman•14mo ago
Hi @serafeimo have you added the new worker docker image and run it (it is a breaking change that is mentioned in the release docs)
serafeimo•14mo ago
Well, I totally missed that. I'm sorry for that 😕 Is there any document that describes what the worker does and what is the connection among api, worker and web? I guess that we'll continue using the api service as an integration point with Novu, right?
--•14mo ago
Worker is a hard dependency with API. It is in charge of processing the notifications. You can't use Novu without it. We had to split it from API to tackle performance improvements. Unfortunately it was a breaking change from previous versions but we had to do it for the benefit of you all the users.
--•14mo ago
Release v0.14.0 - Performance optimization and redesigned workflow ...
What’s new in Novu 0.14.0? TL;DR: All you need to know about the latest Novu 0.14.0 release. Performance optimization, Workflow UI Editor, Data expiration, Headless Notification Center and more! 0....
serafeimo•14mo ago
Thanks for your response @pablo.fernandez.otero. That seems a great enhancement. I've got a couple of questions about it. - Do we need to scale both api and worker services to increase performance or just one of them? - I guess that we continue to use api service's APIs in order to integrate with Novu as before (create subrscribers, trigger notifications, check activity, etc), right?
--•14mo ago
1 - It will depend on how do you have it set up. But you will need to balance the scalation of both. Most of our improvements were in database performance and splitting the Redis usage for the different services into multiple in-memory db instances. Being self hosted I can't tell you where could be your pain points in the future. 2 - You are right. API is the entry point and will keep being. We split worker to be able to scale the notifications jobs consumption and processing without affecting the rest parts of the API.
serafeimo•14mo ago
So, api service receives the notifications and the workers pick them up in order to process them, right? Are they retrieving them from redis or DB?
--•14mo ago
Jobs are stored and retrieved from database. Redis is used to manage the queue systems for the worker.
serafeimo•14mo ago
Great, thanks for your support!