"Unsafe assignment of `any` value

I am using latest create-t3-app with prisma, tailwind nextAuth and trpc
pach378d ago
// src/server/admins.ts
import { prisma } from "./db";

export async function userHasPermission(userId: string, permission: string): Promise<boolean> {
const adminProfile = await prisma.permissions.findFirst({
where: {
//TODO: check permission
return true
// src/server/admins.ts
import { prisma } from "./db";

export async function userHasPermission(userId: string, permission: string): Promise<boolean> {
const adminProfile = await prisma.permissions.findFirst({
where: {
//TODO: check permission
return true
here is all i have right now the errors im getting are
Unsafe call of an `any` typed value. Unsafe assignment of an `any` value. Unsafe member access .findFirst on an `any` value.
all on line 5 (const adminProfile = ....) nevermind just had to restart vscode not just the ts server lmao
Hunter350d ago
Relaoding vscode worked for me too 🤦‍♂️ I'll just throw that 15 minutes into the fire. Thanks for the post
barni195d ago
🤦‍♂️ spent an !!!hour figuring this one out xx
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