forever building

added cloudflare pages to the github repo and then removed it mid build. Will this eventually resolve on it's own. There doesn't appear to be a way to manually turn this off.
8 Replies
shapeshifter14mo ago
it's been building for 2 hours even though i deleted the deployment i'm just concerned about getting billed
kian14mo ago
There is no billing for build time. It'll timeout eventually
shapeshifter14mo ago
ok cool just making sure thanks!
Walshy14mo ago
you can also cancel it
Walshy14mo ago
3 dots in deployment list -> "Cancel deployment"
shapeshifter14mo ago
It was deleted prior to completion, i thought this would fix it on the github sidde but its showing still building
Walshy14mo ago
oh the GitHub status shows building? oh yeah, just ignore that. It'll never change, it'll be stuck like that. Since the actual build is gone, it can't send status updates