PAM issues

Having some trouble to get PAM working: Internal error on command: "PAM". I thought I followed all the steps correctly, but it must be something I'm doing wrong. Attaching a screenshot of the dashboard and the printer.cfg in the comment section.
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25 Replies
wise-whiteā€¢14mo ago
miklschmidtā€¢14mo ago
We're gonna need your klippy.log
wise-whiteā€¢14mo ago
miklschmidtā€¢14mo ago
Seems like you didn't follow the steps correctly as you're missing the PAM macros.
miklschmidtā€¢14mo ago
pam/ratos_v2.cfg at main Ā· HelgeKeck/pam
PAM for RatOS. Contribute to HelgeKeck/pam development by creating an account on GitHub.
miklschmidtā€¢14mo ago
GitHub - HelgeKeck/pam: PAM for RatOS
PAM for RatOS. Contribute to HelgeKeck/pam development by creating an account on GitHub.
miklschmidtā€¢14mo ago
You need to include ratos_v2 in this case
wise-whiteā€¢14mo ago
Thanks! I'm not in front of the computer right now, but I'll look into it later today. Would it be better to just delete all this and do a fresh install, do you think?
miklschmidtā€¢14mo ago
I'd try just following the installation steps first i think šŸ˜„
wise-whiteā€¢14mo ago
All these macros in the first link are located in the pam.cfg and ratos.cfg in the PAM-folder. Do I need to copy all of it into my printer.cfg? When adding [include pam/ratos.cfg] to my printer.cfg, I get this error message shown in the attached photo
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miklschmidtā€¢14mo ago
No you need to include pam/ratos_v2.cfg.
wise-whiteā€¢14mo ago
Aaaahhh... Include file '/home/pi/klipper_config/pam/ratos_v2.cfg' does not exist
miklschmidtā€¢14mo ago
oh wait sorry @malpa0183 i see you're still on RatOS v1 So it's pam/ratos_v1.cfg This seems like you haven't included pam/pam.cfg Oh.. pam.cfg just includes ratos.cfg Okay.. @Helge Keck i'm gonna need your help here, i'm confused.
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢14mo ago
reading..... remove EVERYTHING pam related from your printer cfg, i see a huge pam config, remove all of it then just use this [pam] [gcode_macro _START_PRINT_BED_MESH] gcode: {% set default_profile = printer["gcode_macro RatOS"].bed_mesh_profile|default('ratos') %} BED_MESH_CLEAR {% if printer["gcode_macro RatOS"].calibrate_bed_mesh|lower == 'true' %} PAM PROFILE={default_profile} BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD={default_profile} {% elif printer["gcode_macro RatOS"].bed_mesh_profile is defined %} BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD={printer["gcode_macro RatOS"].bed_mesh_profile} {% endif %} assuming you are using ratos2
wise-whiteā€¢14mo ago
Still on v1
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢14mo ago
one sec
wise-whiteā€¢14mo ago
so when I update to v2, I'll use this?
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢14mo ago
RatOS V1 [pam] [gcode_macro _START_PRINT_BED_MESH] gcode: {% if printer["gcode_macro RatOS"].calibrate_bed_mesh|lower == 'true' %} PAM PROFILE=ratos {% endif %} BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD=ratos you can tag me directly next time btw
wise-whiteā€¢14mo ago
Thanks! I'll give it a shot, at least got no errors on reboot this time šŸ¤žšŸ¼ So when I update to v2, I'll use the first one you posted?
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢14mo ago
you copied every pam related settings you could find into your printer cfg, but yu copied a lot of ratos 2.0 related stuff, thats the reason why it didnt worked yes
wise-whiteā€¢14mo ago
Thanks a million!! starting a test print right now Worked great! šŸ‘šŸ¼ Regarding RatOs v2, I just assumed that the update Manager section would handle that automatically when the v2 was available.. But in order to do the update, I have to go through the same process as I did the first time I installed everything?
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢14mo ago
for ratos 2 there will be another solution in the near future
pteglerā€¢13mo ago
@Helge Keck I've removed all traces of PAM from printer.cfg. I also removed all entries from moonraker.conf I then even used WinSCP to del all PAM folders, including the cached compiled pam python script. BUT.... pam still shows in the update manager even after a full reboot.
pteglerā€¢13mo ago
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pteglerā€¢13mo ago
how do we get pam to stop showing up in the update manager?