Uncaught (in promise) error

Hey, I'm tryna make a file uploading system. My full code is https://pastebin.com/dUCApxp4, but this should be the important part:
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
const url = new URL(request.url);
const key = url.pathname.slice(1);

const { pathname } = new URL(request.url);
if(pathname == "/") {
return new Response("CDN is working! :D")

switch (request.method) {
case 'PUT':
if(request.headers["Authorization"] != "nop!") return "no, go away"
await env.data.put(key, request.body, {
customMetadata: Record({"uploader":request.headers["Author"]})
return "helo mate"
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
const url = new URL(request.url);
const key = url.pathname.slice(1);

const { pathname } = new URL(request.url);
if(pathname == "/") {
return new Response("CDN is working! :D")

switch (request.method) {
case 'PUT':
if(request.headers["Authorization"] != "nop!") return "no, go away"
await env.data.put(key, request.body, {
customMetadata: Record({"uploader":request.headers["Author"]})
return "helo mate"
However, when I sent a PUT request with the valid headers and data, it returns 500, and the logs show Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Incorrect type for Promise: the Promise did not resolve to 'Response'.. I've been trying to fix this for a very long time, so any help would be appreciated!
10 Replies
kian13mo ago
return new Response("helo mate") You're just returning a string, not a Response
Silabear13mo ago
Ah yep, I changed that to be a string, thinking that might be the issue. Changing it back now didn't fix the issue however
Silabear13mo ago
This is the next part (for getting files) and it works fine:
kian13mo ago
return "no, go away" is also wrong
Silabear13mo ago
oop that may be it
DaniFoldi13mo ago
in the second to last line, you are returning "helo mate", a string - which should be return new Response("helo mate")lul that was rather slow to send, thanks discord
Silabear13mo ago
:P ah yeah that fixed the issue! tysm! well it fixed that issue I assume its me being dumb because I've never used records before, but it's now a
worker.js:15 Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: Record is not defined
at Object.fetch (worker.js:15:27)
worker.js:15 Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: Record is not defined
at Object.fetch (worker.js:15:27)
DaniFoldi13mo ago
Record only exists as a type in TS, you construct one with just {} you might be thinking of Maps?
Silabear13mo ago
oop i really need to brush up on my ts, innit mate thanks! finally all works, woohoo
DaniFoldi13mo ago
meowparty glad you got it working!