Twill advanced permissions

I've followed the documentation with regard to adding the enabled and permission key to config/twill.php. I ran the migrations, although it reported back there were no migrations. However i don't see the permissions tab in my module. What am i missing?
ifox354d ago
Hi @.zeenux did you add a module to the configuration? Do you see Roles management in the CMS users section?
.zeenux354d ago
No i can't see it. i did add a module to the config
ifox354d ago
ok so the feature isn't enabled
.zeenux354d ago
'modules' => ['posts'],
ifox354d ago
can you share your config?
.zeenux354d ago
'enabled' => [ 'permissions-management' ], 'permissions' => [ 'level' => \A17\Twill\Enums\PermissionLevel::LEVEL_ROLE, 'modules' => ['posts'], ],
ifox354d ago
oh you need a boolean value in enabled
.zeenux354d ago
like 'enabled'=[ ?=true]
ifox354d ago
'permissions-management' => true
.zeenux354d ago
Call to a member function permissions() on string Error now. Call to a member function permissions() on string (View: /var/www/html/twill_perms/vendor/area17/twill/views/layouts/main.blade.php
ifox354d ago
does your posts module have a morphmap?
.zeenux354d ago
ifox354d ago
so you cant reference it with just 'posts' you can use the fully qualified model instead, but I'd recommend you to use morphmaps on all your models
.zeenux354d ago
can't find the documentation on morphmap
ifox354d ago
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.zeenux354d ago
I know laravel morphtomany. However i don't have a permission model to reference to
ifox354d ago
it isn't about twill permission model, it is about your own post model if you haven't defined a morphmap mapping 'posts' to your Post model Laravel and subsequently Twill won't find it
.zeenux354d ago
so defined in AppServiceProvider boot method Relation::enforceMorphMap([ 'post' => 'App\Models\Post',
]); Still doesn't work
ifox354d ago you used posts here, so you should use posts in the morphmap too
.zeenux354d ago
'modules' => ['post'], not working still.
ifox354d ago
use posts, since that's the name of your module (plural model name). and did you migrate after fixing your enabled config?
.zeenux354d ago
i ran the migration, but can't see roles management in the dashboard
ifox354d ago
here's the code that adds a "Roles" section to the users navigation:
fn() => config('twill.enabled.permissions-management') && Auth::user()->can('edit-user-roles')
fn() => config('twill.enabled.permissions-management') && Auth::user()->can('edit-user-roles')
so if config('twill.enabled.permissions-management') is true and I assume that you're logged in as a superadmin, you should definitely see it
.zeenux354d ago
sorry to be a bother but still nothing.
No description
ifox354d ago
i'm talking about the CMS users section, not a record of your own module and you won't see any change at the record level if you don't use the highest level of permissions available
.zeenux354d ago
ifox354d ago
right now you are using the ROLE level, which is:
When using the permission level role users will be given a role. Roles can be managed from the admin interface subnavigation when managing users.
.zeenux354d ago
ifox354d ago
.zeenux354d ago
That did it. Thanks a million for the patient support. Can i disable the email notification that goes after registering a user? No morph map defined for model [A17\Twill\Models\Role]. Added a morphmap for role and it works
ifox354d ago
if you don't enable the user and register it yourself from the cms before enabling, I don't think they are notified that's because you used enforceMorphMap you can use ::morphMap if you don't want to have to register Twill internal models but that's something we should address
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