Speed related artifact

Hello, Can someone help me with this problem? I am printing this in vase mode one wall, bottom part is printed at 120mm/s 3000 acceleration, upper part is printed at 170mm/s with 3000 acceleration. What would cause this difference in print ? I initially thought it is the belt rubbing somewhere but it seems as it is speed related. both stepper motors are 1 month old, ldo 42sth48 2504ac running stock uncooled settings
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38 Replies
exotic-emerald•13mo ago
same if I set the steppers to cooled, the odd thing is that is more visible on x axis(front and back of the print)
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exotic-emerald•13mo ago
left and right of the print ( y axis movement) is this one
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exotic-emerald•13mo ago
printed at 100/240 with 3000 acc
Plynix•13mo ago
Did you do the vibration compensation calibration?
exotic-emerald•13mo ago
yes I did
Plynix•13mo ago
And how long ago was it Did you change anything?
exotic-emerald•13mo ago
5 min before didn't changed anything
Plynix•13mo ago
Ok belts are tight? And what acceleration does it recommend
exotic-emerald•13mo ago
belts are tight (around 75 hz) it does 17.800 on x with zv and 1.7 vibr , 5900 y with mzv 0 vbr I have 13k on x with mzv and 0 vbr (recommended is zv)
exotic-emerald•13mo ago
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exotic-emerald•13mo ago
printed the part at 45 degrees, it is doing on the left motor movement
3DBoomer•13mo ago
After an input shaper test, I update my printer.cfg then I run an acceleration test to find optimum accel : https://www.klipper3d.org/Resonance_Compensation.html#:~:text=before%20enabling%20it.-,Selecting%20max_accel,%C2%B6,-You%20should%20have
exotic-emerald•13mo ago
I run the shaper_calibrate command and after save_config do you think this is the problem? update, I have replaced the motor with a new one,is doing the same, stealthchop 99999 same. it's having this pattern til 120-130mm/s , anything above is printing fine. Max tried was 300 mm/s with 6k acc and was amazingly nice looking. tried scv 10-20 nothing changed
3DBoomer•13mo ago
Yes, and then you make an acceleration test, with input shaper activated. You can then measure your optimum XY accel folowing the guidelines here https://www.klipper3d.org/Resonance_Compensation.html#:~:text=before%20enabling%20it.-,Selecting%20max_accel,%C2%B6,-You%20should%20have You can use the cleanest accel for outer walls, then test higher accels for inner walls, then infill..... On the first layer, you can go fast (120 to 200) provided you stay really cool on the accell (ie 1500 to 2500) Speeds are mostly limited by your max reliable extrusion speed. Set them to your max reliable speeds, then cap them in your filament profile.
exotic-emerald•13mo ago
Inwill the artifact are there no matter the acc (1k-6k) they are somehow connected to the speed acceleration are not influencing at all
3DBoomer•13mo ago
Hence the cap on max extrude capacities. check your max flow rate with Orca for example What you see is probably your extruder steps that are pushed too high
exotic-emerald•13mo ago
just to make sure that I explained properly, I have artifacts at low speeds
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exotic-emerald•13mo ago
at high speeds everything is fine
3DBoomer•13mo ago
Temp and speed tuning fo hand in hand. Your temp influences max extrusion, then speeds. So printing half speed will require retuning temp
exotic-emerald•13mo ago
thanks! I will try lowering the temp to see if anything changes, although this pattern is only on x movement or at 45 degrees on left motor
3DBoomer•13mo ago
make 2 or 3 temp towers side by side (more real life like imo) pick your favorite temp, then check max extrude @ that speed you may have to retune PA @ that speed as well
3DBoomer•13mo ago
but why do you want to print slower ? Did you watch Stephan's : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBvTWFEd7rk
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exotic-emerald•13mo ago
In case I print small parts and I need slow speeds, just saying. I will start with orca and the temp towers. Thanks a lot for help!
3DBoomer•13mo ago
print multiple small parts at once I never print small parts per unit
3DBoomer•13mo ago
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exotic-emerald•13mo ago
I know but I don't like the idea of being something wrong, something is 100% wrong . I will also replace the motor pulley as well to see if there is any change
3DBoomer•13mo ago
There's nothing wrong. If your nozzle moves too slowly on a small part, it remelts the lower layers. Increasing min layer time is not a solution to that And if your filament is happy at a given temp, you gotta use that temp and adapt the rest. Don't fix something that ain't broken, just sayin... But I can relate to the rage 🙂
exotic-emerald•13mo ago
replaced motor pulleys same result. Anyone has other hints about what to try?
Plynix•13mo ago
All screws tight? Rails lubed no drag on the belt
exotic-emerald•13mo ago
yes...do you know if I can check if input shaper values are taken into consideration when printing?
Plynix•13mo ago
If the ringing is not visible or maybe if you type this into the printers console shaper_freq_y
Maba_Kalox•13mo ago
@b3lmans isn’t that just VFA? It has bad speed ranges where it occurs the most Sorry, it is called - belt ripples
exotic-emerald•13mo ago
vfa(extruder related artifact) should have a different pattern. I guess this is an artifact somehow connected to xy motions system. I am sick of it, I will probably sell it and buy another brand
Maba_Kalox•12mo ago
So, did you gave up? In other thread I have read that you did all mods (decoupler, toothed idlers etc) and it did not help? I am asking because I faced same problem and considering should I try to do mods to fix issue, or such mods won’t help much
exotic-emerald•12mo ago
not really... What it helped a bit were the gates toothed idlers and also I lowered the stepper current to 1.4 ( cooled steppers, I adjusted only the current) I just reprinted all the eva parts and I will rebuild it these days as I have a small peak around 125hz
exotic-emerald•12mo ago
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exotic-emerald•12mo ago
this colour is also hiding it a bit
Maba_Kalox•12mo ago
thanks for reply!