Hi, do you know where I can add another link?

Aligned with All Items, Published, Draft and Trashed. I just want to add new link
ifox352d ago
Hi @mfubpon are you on twill 3?
lazydog352d ago
sorry, I am using twill 2
ifox352d ago
ok, you would need to override this in your module controller: https://github.com/area17/twill/blob/2.x/src/Http/Controllers/Admin/ModuleController.php#L1259
twill/ModuleController.php at 2.x · area17/twill
Twill is an open source CMS toolkit for Laravel that helps developers rapidly create a custom admin console that is intuitive, powerful and flexible. Chat with us on Discord at https://discord.gg/c...
ifox352d ago
you can call parent::getIndexTableMainFilters in your override to get all the existing filters and add your own
lazydog352d ago
thanks, it works 🙂
ifox352d ago
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