If I set it up can you guys help me with

If I set it up can you guys help me with the WAF and Caching rules so it's configured in a way that will keep it free? I honestly don't use hosting for much, but since I'm using Cloudflare for everything else I might as well consolidate everything.
69 Replies
Chaika13mo ago
Sure, a cache rule to do that is really simple though:
Chaika13mo ago
WAF side, just enabling the defaults should be fine. You could perhaps set up a rate limiting rule on the subdomain (same hostname equals match), with some rate limit to try to ward off silly attacks, not sure how much that would be worth doing though. For what it's worth, the more requests you get, the more your assets are in cache, and you don't pay for cached requests, so just by the way the system works you have some defense there
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Thank you. What situations could cause a cost for using this service (based on what I previously said)? And are cache rules new?
Chaika13mo ago
When you store over 10 GB of content, or have over 10 million Class B Requests (which include fetching files), or over 1 million Class A OPerations (Listing Files, Putting Files, etc), you can read over all the pricing here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/r2/pricing/
Pricing · Cloudflare R2 docs
R2 charges based on the total volume of data stored, along with two classes of operations on that data:
Chaika13mo ago
The Cloudflare Blog
Introducing Cache Rules: precision caching at your fingertips
We have spent the last ten years learning how customers use Page Rules to customize their cached content, and it’s clear the time is ripe for evolving rules-based caching on Cloudflare
Chaika13mo ago
Since Sep 27th of last year
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Ah okay. Sounds like I won't hit it then. Is there a way to tell it to reject all requests if I'm about to hit that limit?
Chaika13mo ago
best you can do is set up a notification for when you come close
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
And then I can easily flick a switch to temporarily shut it off?
Chaika13mo ago
You can just disable the custom domain yea
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
For this could I just say if hostname is not literallymakesomethingup.rydercragie.com then apply the rule? No other way I can think of to get it to work everywhere.
Chaika13mo ago
You want the cache rule to apply to everything on your zone, rydercragie.com?
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Or is that a bad idea? Should it only apply to subdomains I use for R2?
Chaika13mo ago
Usually it would be undesired, depending on your setup. If you're fine with everything on your zone being effected by that rule though, you can just click "Edit Expression" and replace the expression in there with true
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
I'll use the OR rule and set it to all of the R2 hostnames. Doesn't sound recommended to do what I said. That could come in handy for the future. I think I have a rule somewhere else that uses a similar thing. I should change it. Was the only way I could think of.
Chaika13mo ago
Use "Is In"
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Is in?
Chaika13mo ago
yea the is in operator
Chaika13mo ago
Chaika13mo ago
then you can type out your domains
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
And that will apply it to everything? In that zone?
Chaika13mo ago
err I picked bad examples for that I suppose. No, it's just a way of checking a field against a list of values
Chaika13mo ago
If you have a bunch of r2 hostnames, you can use that
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Ah okay. Got it. https://pub-e13ff2f9b2254734a99cbdd556313789.r2.dev doesn't show a page even though there's an index.html file there. What's the issue?
Chaika13mo ago
Upload Files
Please click the link to complete this form.
Chaika13mo ago
there's no magical index.html detection/routing/etc if you want that on your custom domain, you can use a transform rule redirect rule (and using that is transparent to the visitor as well, they wouldn't see the path change)
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
I was about to get annoyed but I'll let it slide since it's possible. Would a Transform Rule apply to that r2.dev domain? Guessing not but that's fine as I'm gonna set it up on my custom domain soon anyway.
Chaika13mo ago
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Would they all have to be separate rules for all of my subdomains/domains? Or can I just tell it to map index.html to the root? No matter what it is.
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Not working.
Chaika13mo ago
you're backwards checking for /index.html and rewriting to none
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
(This is for custom domain btw) Oh
Chaika13mo ago
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Awesome. That works. Thanks. What's a good WAF rule for it? I've migrated everything now.
Chaika13mo ago
to protect your assets?
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
So I don't end up getting charged if someone decides to reload the page 1,000 times. (figure of speech)
Chaika13mo ago
You could slap on a simple rate limiting rule with sane limits. The WAF Rulesets themselves aren't going to help you with that too much, they're more targeted at vulnerabilities here's the thing though: You don't get charged for cache hits
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
I just want something that says if someone refreshes too many times or requests too much, block them.
Chaika13mo ago
The more your asset is requested, the more it's going to be in cache, the less requests you pay for Sure, you can use rate limiting for that
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Surely there's a downside to that... Otherwise if there wasn't it wouldn't be possible.
Chaika13mo ago
A downside? One might be that you're potentially serving stale content, it might have changed or been deleted since then Otherwise not really, other then if you're serving tens of TB's of content per day, you'll probably get a nice sales email asking you to upgrade
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Chaika13mo ago
yea, same old hostname equals yourr2subdomain.com and you can set the limit to a sane amount of requests, maybe 100 per 5 minutes or so
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Or is in?
Chaika13mo ago
If you have more then one r2 subdomain, you can use is in, sure
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Is one better than the other?
Chaika13mo ago
Equals checks one value, Is in checks against a list If you have one hostname to check, use equals If you have more then one, use Is in
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Chaika13mo ago
oh, you're on free
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Chaika13mo ago
I thought you were on Pro, opps free only gets path
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Nothing I can do then other then? Probably don't need to anyway with this in mind. I guess it would be good for protection. But all of the other stuff is enabled so should be good in that regards.
Chaika13mo ago
you could either set a global sane rate limit (let's say, 200 requests/5 minutes or something, depends on your site), or put all of your assets under the same prefix in your bucket like /assets/, and then use URI Path starts with /assets/
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Should all of the default Cloudflare settings be enough? All of the bot protection stuff that’s built in.
Chaika13mo ago
you mean without putting in a rate limiting rule?
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Chaika13mo ago
Do you have Bot Fight Mode or anything else enabled?
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Only was bothered because of cost. But now that’s out of the question I just want to make sure my assets are protected. Yes I have every security feature enabled I think. Just disabled the ones that were causing issues (ages ago)
Chaika13mo ago
You probably don't have BFM on then, it's def one of the ones that can cause a lot of issues eitherway, CF does have standard DDoS Protection yea, but it can take a hot bit to kick in. Some of the protections like Gatebot only samples every 1,000 requests, so you need a few hundred requests per second or so before it can even begin to detect something Is it something to be worried about? Meh, imo not really.. $100 USD would get you some 277 million object requests for example, and that's not including cached requests
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
The Cahce Rules still apply on the free plan, right?
Chaika13mo ago
Indeed. On free your assets are more likely to be evicted, lower min edge cache ttl, and you have a lower max cache size (iirc 512mb?), but that's nothing specific to cache rules
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Can I ignore this? https://static.camp-fox.rydercragie.com does have an SSL provided by Cloudflare.
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Also says I need to allow public access when I go to a url of a nonexistent file. Maybe that needs rewording as I do have public access enabled for that custom domain?
Chaika13mo ago
"This object does not exist or is not publicily accesible.." it is maybe a bit confusing, but meh. You can override those with Pro's Custom Error Responses I believe: https://developers.cloudflare.com/rules/custom-error-responses/
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago
Thanks This is bugging me lol. How much can a cache rule store in the free plan?
Chaika13mo ago
cache rules are not special, same rules as normal cache. Free just has a 100mb single file limit, no limit on actual files stored, although free is evicted first/likely to not have something in cache for a while
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie13mo ago